Clean energy, renewable energy. Generally refers to the energy to replace the fossil energy such as coal, 1 []Petroleum and natural gas, which release, carbon dioxide, which causes global warming 2 tremendous []. Examples of important renewable energy such as wind energy, solar energy, hydropower,, ขึ้นน้ำ, down, wave energyGeothermal energy, biofuel, etc., in 2555 Thailand energy only 18. 2% of all energy increase from the previous year. Only 1.8% by solar energy and biofuels, increased 23% but energy from firewood, charcoal, rice husk, and agricultural waste materials By used as fuel. A lower rate 3 10% [].
renewable energy one type energy is being remade (renewable) 4 continued []. The first group (such as the mass of air through the wind turbine. The mass of air group again continuously etc.) called renewable energy (English:Renewal Energy), including solar wind, water, and hydrogen, etc. (some books that biomass is a renewable energy depends on whether it made new continuously?)
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