ลมพัดอีกวูบ มือขาวขยับผ้าห่มให้กระชับ “ฉันก็ได้ยินเขามาอีกทีนั่นแหละ พ การแปล - ลมพัดอีกวูบ มือขาวขยับผ้าห่มให้กระชับ “ฉันก็ได้ยินเขามาอีกทีนั่นแหละ พ อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

ลมพัดอีกวูบ มือขาวขยับผ้าห่มให้กระช

ลมพัดอีกวูบ มือขาวขยับผ้าห่มให้กระชับ “ฉันก็ได้ยินเขามาอีกทีนั่นแหละ พวกที่มารับใช้เขาพูดกัน ว่าลูกคุณป้าที่ดีก็เพียงคุณพี่ของฉัน”
“ลมจ๋าบอกคุณพี่ด้วยถึงฉันจะเป็นไอ้ตัวร้าย แต่ฉันก็รักคุณพี่คนเดียว”

“น้องมันเด็กมากนักนะ ไฉนพ่อใหญ่ถึงคิดจะผูกสมัครรักใคร่น้องมันเสียได้ แม่เห็นเล่นกันทุกวันมิใช่หรือ มิใช่ว่าเจ้าไปคิดอกุศลกับน้องมันแต่ฝ่ายเดียว มันจะเสียมาถึงแม่นา” สตรีวัยเลยกลางคนมาหมาดๆร่างขาวอวบอันบ่งถึงบรรดาศักดิ์จำต้องวางแหวนนพเก้าในมือขึ้นเจรจากับลูกชายหัวแก้ว
“ลูกเพียงแต่เรียนคุณแม่ไว้ เมื่อลูกไม่อยู่จะได้ฝากคุณแม่ให้ดูน้องให้ที”
“เอ...พ่อนี่ บทจะรักจะห่วงก็หวงกว่าใคร” คนเป็นแม่ถือโอกาสวิจารณ์ลูกชายซึ่งๆหน้า เพราะลูกคนโตไม่เคยแง้มให้ท่านรู้ระแคะระคายเรื่องนี้เลย แม่หนูที่พูดถึงก็หลานในเครือญาติท่านบ้านอยู่ติดกัน เห็นเจ้าหล่อนคลานปรูดๆมาให้เอ็ดได้ทุกวัน ไม่คิดว่าจะไปต้องตาต้องใจพ่อลูกชายเข้า
“เถอะ..คุณแม่ ลูกคงไม่ได้ไปทหารถ้าจัดการเรื่องนี้ไม่เรียบร้อย”
“เอ..พ่อนี่ อย่ามาทำเป็นหนุ่มเลือดร้อนให้แม่ได้คิดก่อน น้องมันเพียงย่างเข้าสิบสี่ ยังดูเป็นเด็กกะโปโลไปรักไปชอบกันได้อย่างไร ที่ไหนแม่เขาจะยอม”
ลูกชายไม่ได้พูด ก็เจ้าตัวเขาแสดงออกชัดเจน ใครไม่เห็นก็เพราะมองข้ามต่างหาก
“ห่างกันออกมากโขนา” คนเป็นแม่พูดเป็นเชิงปรารภกับตัวเองอันเป็นการกระทำที่คงหวังให้บุตรชายเข้าใจด้วย
ลูกชายไม่ได้ทำท่าว่าสนใจกับอะไรที่มันห่างโขของมารดา คนเป็นแม่จึงค้อนให้เสียวงใหญ่
“ได้ขอรับ” ลูกชายทำเสียงเจียมเนื้อเจียมตนได้แนบเนียน อันเป็นกิริยาที่ทำกับมารดาเท่านั้น
เขาหลบตาไม่ใช่เพราะเขินอาย แต่เพราะตั้งใจจะเก็บรักษาชื่อเสียงให้เธอ แต่เมื่อเธอบีบคั้นเขาให้ทำเช่นนี้ เขาก็จำเป็นต้องละเมิดข้อห้ามของใจ
คุณหญิงพิจารณาไท้เก่าๆที่ลูกชายชั่งสรรหามาใส่เพื่อบังตาผู้คน ปิ่นอันนี้แวววาวเพราะถูกใช้เป็นประจำ คนชอบเครื่องประดับเช่นท่านไฉนจะมองไม่ออกว่ามันเป็นของใคร
ใบหน้าขาวนวลพยักพะเยิดให้ลูกชาย “อืม...ไว้แม่จะคุยกับคุณน้าเขาให้”
เขากราบเท้าผู้เป็นแม่ลงงามๆ นานแล้วที่ร่างสูงใหญ่นี้ไม่ได้ซุกซบโอบกอดมารดา ฤาจะเป็นเพราะสตรีนี่แท้เชียวทำบุรุษให้อ่อนไหว แต่มันน่าแปลกใจน้อยอยู่หรือที่พ่อใหญ่จะไปพึงใจเด็ก

“หยุดเดี๋ยวนี้นะน้องอิน” เสียงห้าวร้องเรียกปานเสียงดุ เป็นสัปดาห์แล้วหลังจากวันที่ได้รับปิ่นทองวาววับนั่นมา เขาไม่ได้พบหน้าเธอ
ลมพัดสะบัดวูบ ดอกมะลิซ้อนร้อยรัดมวยของเธอกลิ่นกรุ่น แม้นไม่ใกล้ยังได้กลิ่นเจ้า หากได้แนบเนาจักเท่าใด
“มานี่เดี๋ยวนี้ จะหลบหน้าพี่ไย”
ร่างเล็กประสานมือเดินต่อขาเป็นนานกว่าจะมาถึง คนเคยเก่งกล้าแสนซนก้มหน้างุดจนติดอก
เขากลั้นขำจนแก้มบุ๋ม แทนที่จะว่ากระไร ชายหนุ่มเลือกผ่อนลมหายใจจนเสียงดัง “เฮ้อ...”
นี่ก็อีก ถ้าเป็นยามปกติ เธอคนนี้คงเงยหน้าค้ำสะเอวขมวดคิ้วเข้าใส่ หรือไม่ก็เขย่าคนตัวโตๆอย่างเขาให้หัวสั่นหัวคลอนเพื่อจะเอาคำตอบให้ได้ว่า “เฮ้อ...ทำไม”
“เป็นอะไร ไหนบอกพี่มาซิคนดี” นำเสียงปลอบประโลมทำให้ร่างเล็กไหวตัว แต่ยังไม่ยอมเปลี่ยนอิริยาบถเดิม
“หรือเพราะเรื่องคุณแม่” เขานึกเดาทั้งที่รู้คำตอบอยู่แล้ว
ดอกไม้กรองไว้งามสั่นส่ายไปมา แต่ไม่ยอมเงยหน้ามาเสียที
มือใหญ่แข็งแรง แทบจะคีบคางเล็กเสียด้วยซ้ำให้เธอเงยหน้าขึ้นมาสักนิด “มองหน้าพี่ซิ แล้วบอกมาว่าเป็นอะไร”
ดวงตาที่เขาเคยเห็นว่าแวววาวนกหนา บัดนี้ฟ่าฟางด้วยหยาดน้ำคลอคลอง
“ร้องไห้ทำไมใครทำอะไรเธอ พี่จะจัดการให้”
มือเล็กๆขาวจัดเกาะกุมมือใหญ่หยาบแข็ง กำไว้แน่น
“โถ...นี่หรือคือเหตุที่เธอหลบพี่” เขาทำเสียงเวทนามากไปหรือ เสียงสะอื้นจึงดังก้อง
เสียงสะอื้นดังก้อง “แต่อิฉันอยากอยู่กับคุณพี่”
เขาใช้ร่างเป็นเครื่องกำบังความกลัวให้เธอ เขาปลอบเจ้าหล่อนแต่ไม่เคยกกกอดเช่นนี้ นี่จะถือเป็นครั้งเริ่มต้น เขาทำได้เพราะหมายหมั้นกันแล้ว จะปลอบประโลมวิธีใดก็หาผิดไม่ มือหนาลูบหลังลูบไหล่เธอเบาๆ อาการละม้ายพี่ชายกับน้องสาวตัวน้อย
“ก็อยู่ด้วยกันสิจ้ะคนดี น้องอินของพี่ ทหารตายทุกคนเสียเมื่อใด พี่ไปเรียนวิชาหาได้ไปตาย พอกลับมาพี่จะมาหาคนงามของพี่ รักษาเนื้อรักษาตัวไว้นะคนดี พี่ฝากเธอกับคุณแม่ไว้แล้ว ฟังท่านนะ แล้วพี่จะกลับมารับขวัญเธอ”
“เอาน่า...ให้พี่กอดเธอเช่นนี้ให้ชื่นใจ พี่อยากได้เมียนะ ไม่ใช่น้องน้อยไม่รู้จักโต”
เสียงสะอื้นค่อยเบาลง อาการสั่นสะท้านคลายลง
“รอพี่นะคนดี พี่สัญญาจะกลับมาหาเธอ...อินถวา”
ลมเย็นพัดมาอีกครา สองร่างกลมเกลียวไม่สะทกสะเทือน ดอกไม้สีขาวก้านยาวโรยร่วง รักฤาร่วงเลยตาม...
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Wind blowing the syncope white hands moved down to tighten. "I heard he was coming from there. They serve him well. Your great aunt's children, it's just your brother, and I "
smiles widely referred to in the shadows far the nostalgic ones
."Twisted Nerve tell you that with me it is just bad. But I love you I alone "

."Oh, it's too much. Why I think it's a love affair I have it. I see every day with him. Not that you go it alone with his thoughts propagators. It will come to Mae Nak "."You only learn from your mother. When you can not leave your mother to see it to the "
" El ...I love this chapter will be concerned, it loop over who "took advantage of a mother by a son to his face. The eldest child, never ajar clue to you about it. Mother mice were told their relatives in the house next door.Not going to attract the father his son
."Let your mother .. I would not have to deal with the military if this is not done, "
" S. ..This hot-blooded young enough not to make the mother had thought before. I just burned fourteen. Also viewed as childish child to love to love each other. Where's he would "
.Son not talking He was afforded a clear expression I do not see it because it overlooked some
"The fleshing out of" a mother said as a preamble to the act itself, which still hopes for his son understand
.Son, do not pretend that what it's mother away defeats. A mother is to lose the big hammer
"Okay .. She asked me straight Big Daddy"
"to obtain" their son made a modest discrepancies. Manner as was done with the mother
."I think it's sure that I like you,"
not because he avoids embarrassment. However, because the intention is to preserve her reputation. But when she put pressure on him to do this. They need to break the taboo of mind
.Countess consider tai old son to wear to cover up the scale recruiting people. This glittering pin being used. Why do people like such jewelry you will see what it is, who nodded Pa
white faces his son's football, "Um ...Even to talk to you I give, "
he bowed down to the foot, the mother pretty. Long been tall is not tucked myself embrace motherhood. Rue is the genuine deal because women do men sensibly. But it seems strange touchy or dad are going to delight children

."Now do not stop in" Pan gruff voice called him. A week after the date of receipt of glittering gold then. He did not meet her
.Tic winds whip Jasmine hide the smell of smoldering her tight bun. Although not close to smell you. If you know how to attach a copy
"Come here now. I relocated to shrink "
Hands figure walking legs are longer to arrive. Doughty had caught a mischievous bear the Siu
He stifled laugh till my cheeks. Instead say? The young man and the sound of your breath as "Sigh ..."
.Here's another if it is normal. This girl would look into supporting Wasted frowned. Or the big shake head shake head shake like him to take it the answer to that. "I ... I"
"What I tell people is that to thee," the soothing voice makes a small move. But it does not change the original motion
"or because you" I guess he knows the answer already
.Filter by vibrating strings to the beauty of flowers. But it does not look big enough
strong. Hardly grip her small chin waste even up a bit. "Look at P Then tell me what it is, "
.Glittering eyes he had seen the jump. With a drop of water, now alpha straw along the canal
"Why do you cry. I manage to "
small hand held white hands gripping the rough. Clutching tightly
"Aiฉan I do not want you to Swordsman"
"Tho ...Is this the reason she dodged it, "he made a very distressing to you.
So big sobs echoed around the quaint small head stabilizer
"I told you I ... if I ... if I ... Aiฉan ... get engaged, get engaged, you know ...Round out your summons, I will go ... I'll go with .. you ... you .. you aunt aunt refused to let me live ... live ... with Auntie "
sobs. rumble "I want to be with you I Aiฉan"
.He used his body to cover her fear. He convinces hug the woman, but never like this. This is considered to be the beginning. They do it because it is engaged. Any way to soothe the conscience. Thick pat gently rubbed her shoulder."It's coming together well. Younger brother-in Anyone at any military strikes. I want to learn to die. I will come back to you the beauty of it. Preserved meat kept myself tonight. I leave her with my mom heard me."But ..."
"... Come on let me hold her like this recipe. I wanted my wife I did not know in the least "
sobs gradually lighter. Vigorously shaken loose
"wait tonight. I promise to come back to her in the wa ... "
.Cool breeze blowing once again Two bodies united not horribly shaken Sprinkle crumbled long-stemmed white flowers I love Rue fall by ...
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
The wind blows again to Flash suddenly white fingers moving blankets, compact. "I heard him come again, that behold, they come to get used to, he said that a great aunt, my brother just"
smiles in the shadow of the dark ones to reach people who desire
."The wind used by males or females with elder sister to me telling you to be sassy, but damn, I love you brother."

."It's very young, my sister had big ideas including father oboe flute will join sister love it. She agreed to play each other every day, did not think that all evil sister to it but the only party it will be come to Mae NA " "The ball just learning my mother. When the ball is not going to leave my mother, my sister, by "
"-...Here's the article more than it loves to cling to anyone worried about, "he said. Who is your mother a chance to review my son's face sueng? Because the child grow up never know this story, tiny rakhaerakhai. Mother rats that talking about it to his relatives in his home. Don't think are going to desire his son into
."Oh, mother .. He probably doesn't have to manage this issue, if not military"
"a. ..Parents here don't do a young, hot blood, she had charged. It's just his approach is also fourteen children to love each other like kapolo.?? the mother he "
.My son did not speak, his owner expressed clearly. Who did not see it because it looks like
"Apart from many kho NA" Who is she talking to yourself is to ask about an action that he hopes his son to comprehend as well.
?My son did not do that to what it is your mother, kho. Who is the mother, so did a big circle hammer
"Okay, Big Daddy's mother had .. straight question"
"unclaimed". My son made a sound of flesh and humbly, humbly they realistically have manners to mothers only
."My father is a big uncertain how his it thinks like the owner," he was not the eyes
khün AI. But I intend to maintain a reputation for her, but when she let him do this affliction. He would need to violate the restrictions of mind
.She considered the old Tai son weighing the nomination put to bangta people. Pin this one shining because it is being used on a regular basis. People like jewelry, for example, he says it will be unable to view oboe flute of sparkling white face who PA
yoet to nod the ball (male) "Well ...The mother will speak with you, "his uncle, his mother, who is my foot
down all the way already for a long time as the body seeks to conceal this huge embrace mother ฤา is because women do more pure here, man, sensitive, but it is a little surprising that big daddy is going to make your children

."Stop now, Oh my brother in" the sound of fierce sound as vocally Hao Pan last week, after receiving a gold pin with sparkle or twinkle sparkle there. He did not find her page
.The wind is blowing in the wind blowing to Flash suddenly. Jasmine has her boxing band overlap smells fantastic. The owner could not smell near differing. If you have attached a copy of I know much
"come here now to Dodge in front of brother yai"
.The body is slightly longer than the legs, walking hand-in-hand tie to come. People used to kengkla and fell in front of chest infections until the naughty ngut
bum cheeks until he asserts on payment instead of that? The young man chose to relax the breath until the loud "hoe ....
.Here, again. If it's a normal life This girl probably perk saeo braced front eyebrows into a grown up man or not, however, shake his head shake head to khlon to get answers, "hoe ... why"
."What's a good man's brother is naibok," he said. Take small solace, voice, body movements, but also does not change the original
bodily movement ", or because the mother," he said. He knows all the answers would have guessed already
.A filter flora beauty shaking staggering back and forth but does not raise a big misstep comes hand page
strength almost killed her little Chin khip nor can perk up little face "looking ahead, SIM had been told that what is"
.His eyes have ever seen how thick feather sparkle. A straw-filled water to drip with FIFA now khlok try
"cry why does anyone do anything to her. Brother manages a small hand held, White Island "
Kum coarse solid large hands grip tightly, you don't want to ichan
" brothers to the military "
" tho ...Here is her note or Dodge Brothers, "he said. He made a sound or sounds more pity, so a big hand
rumble sauen Odyssey, small head
"endu. pap said ... If his elder ichan ... If ... you are getting engaged ... engaged to PI ...The second call came out, you had to go past ... my sister to go with ... you ... you ... you are not my aunt aunt, sister or brother ... ... with you Auntie "
", but sound would resonate sauen ichan to you brother "
.He uses the body as a refuge for her fear. He has to subdue her, but officials never hug like this. This is considered as a default. He's done it the same way, it is engaged in any unusual find solace not kiss a kiss to her shoulder after a heavy hand of light. "Yes, it looks good together, my sister the brother soldiers die when a brother died. everybody classes have to die to cover over the back of the elder brother who comes to maintain body maintain a good touch with her brother already hired mother listen to you! "But ..."
"remove ... hug, she, like this, PI would like to have a little sister or brother, not his wife, not knowing "sound is a little softer sauen
. Symptoms of trembling I shot at the good ones
wait, "he said. Contract trainer will come back looking for her ... the thawa "
.A cool breeze blows again Krakow Two rangklom sathok no spiral suspension The long stem of white flowers sprinkled loss due to falling in love ฤา ...
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The wind blew again moved his hand white blankets, "I have heard him, and fit again, that's just what they had been used and he said, I am the aunt of my brother, he was just your smile"
spacious in the shadow of the horse to his thoughts were far away,
"Tell me, my dear Madam, you wind up with my brother, I will be a bad thing, but I was in love with you." I am one of

"It was my brother's much larger than my father, why do you think it was my sister knit. She saw play together every day or not, that thou shalt not go to think a bad deed with my sister, but it was the only one that came to her mother, and will be free"."I just learned that my mother is when your baby is not to leave your mother to see my brother, "
"AjarnI love this chapter will be concerned with, it would be better to be jealous of anyone else." She took the opportunity to criticize eldest son. because you do not have to be half-closed, he knew nothing of all this, my lass, suspected nothing to say that it was his niece in your relatives at home.Do not think that it will be required to go to his eyes, to fall in love with my father to son
"Ajarn. I am sure I did not have to go to your mother, if it is not properly."
"Ajarn.I don't have to do this as a hot young blood, I think it was just before my brother came to see as a child thirty-four of the Polo to love, to love, how can he would," where his mother
He did not say it was his son's Horse Show clearly who don't see it because it looked separately.
"away from each other. It was a very rocky, " she said, as he flicked the empirical self is an act of hope that it would be his son understand
my son is not going to know what they are interested in getting away from it's mother's mother, who is a great circle, hammer
"now.. my mother asked my father Leo."
"Big Boy." It is a grateful grateful their meat, which is a privately owned it to his mother, his manner that only
"How can you be sure that your brother. I think it's such as thee."
he dropped his eyes, but not as shy as I intend to keep her reputation, but when she was forced to do this, he would need to prohibit violations of mind
(P) a lord Lady considering the old boy weigh nomination was put to shade the top of this gleaming because it was used as a basis of people like jewelry such as you will be looking at why it is one of the white face
พะเยิด trolls, his son "AjarnThe mother will talk to you, my aunt had to pay respect to the Mother."
he has long been present in a tall, big, not shove his face hugged his mother full sofa sleeper, it was because I knew it would be made a man women's genuine, sensitive, but it's a little surprised that his father would go to large appreciative children

"Stop now, my brother-in" were calling voice hoarse voice scolded him for a week, and then after the date on which has been Jermsak Pinthong glittering there. He couldn't get her face
The wind blew fiercely jasmin waiting hundred straps boxing to come out of her smell though not near the smell if you attach a district
"How shall come here now to be avoided no matter."
brotherHis hands went to little more than a long time to come up to his legs were valiant had never been a very naughty
he bent his head to her chest pockets to hold bevel around laughing until his cheek instead of the young man, what watery options so that the sound as "Ajarn"
It's a guard She normally again, if this man had looked up guarantee the waist frowned into or not, the big man shook his head, and shook his head to loosen them to answer that "why"
Ajarn"This is what I told my brother, he said, "Well, the little voice soothed her, but she didn't want to change the behavior or because of your original
"mother." He guessed that they know the answer is, then
Flowers filter beauty shook shook his head, but did not raise his head, and his hands
large tweezers strong almost small chin. She looked up, a little "look at me, and told me that it was coming."
whathis eyes, which he had never seen that glistened, birds, thick straw sofa now with water drops to Klong
"crying why anyone to do anything that I would be handling her little hands."
white hand clinging rough large hard to grasp it firmly.
"don't want to leave no stone unturned to make your Ladyship."
"The military ...or is the reason for this is that she was hiding her feelings too much." He made a sound or voice, sobbing so loud hand
large small shook his head. "It was beamed
... if my aunt told me that my brother is ... if Ajarn Dr. is engaged you I ...called out the two around, you will be my brother, my brother will go away ... with you ... my aunt is not Ajarn. My Aunt, my brother will be Ajarn Ajarn with her aunt."
sobs echoed "but I wanted to be with you my brother."
He was used to draft the shelter, she was afraid of telling her, but she had never been so embrace this time will be considered as he started to get a warrant to be engaged, because they will be comforted, and how it was wrong to not thick hand stroked her softly stroking his shoulder"Yes, yes, it is a good man's brother's brother-in soldiers died when I went to school, all subjects to death when he got back to find the man, and I will keep my meat, keep the beauty of the good people, I give her to you, and then to listen to you, my mother."But ... "
"Take me to her, ... so glad I wanted to be a wife, I don't know, at least not my brother."
sobbing, and then lighter shivering came down release
"wait for me, I promise I will be good come back to the road, "
Ajarncold wind blew again, steadying two bodies formed suspension white flowers long stem scatter autumn autumn love sofa, in accordance with
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