Christmas Every December 25 of each year, the Carnival is celebrated among Christians around the world. Things to do today, but what a delightful dinner. Exchange of gifts, home decoration with Christmas tree Singing Christmas tree to remove a sock to hang waiting for santaklot who brought gifts to ARI.Christmas is important as the day of Buddha's Nativity of Jesus Christianity. Jesus Jews born in Palestinian territory, occupied That same fall, the closest city of the country, as long time. ญืชาวยิว multiple thanopyakon a prat in front of that one day there will be the son of God, come down the Jewish yoke receive freedom in the final days, it arrived. When Jesus Christ born at Bethlehem village. His mother name is Jude Euskadi Maria (Madonna, which we are known.) His father's name, he has a career as a Carpenter.Jesus is also God intuition can come from his young to interact with the Jewish God in religion is distinctly and clearly. At the beginning of his life continue to ease with a career as a Carpenter until his father to help commemorate 30 years to stop the story went out declared the doctrine, and maintain patient categories, such as the blind, the lame old worn out back as normal.Christianity is the religion that is the world's most esteemed producers as well as Islam and Buddhism.
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