Local wisdom project (candy sugar). AbstractCandy sugar is candy and buy authentic Thailand take more difficult as the amount of sugar that will be reduced to. The meaning of candy sugar is that smells of fresh-squeezed juice from huan Tan sukngom. Sweet potato from coconuts are strewn in front of the dessert that is sugar there, somewhere there must be a candy sugar, because sugar is a woody that much benefit to people, Thailand. Since the clear, sweet, soft ball sugar, meat, which is eaten fresh, joyful or welding. It was a delicious meal with ice. Joao Tan or Tan seed inside of an unforgettable held only to bring the sugar, eat a Turkey giveaway, sweet juice from sugar, sugar made with onions and sweet tanot Cape that sugar was not fighting. People bring food Thailand Thailand topTo make the pastry, but Thailand must consist of several factors is indeed do have patience accidentally have the invention to the shape of the pastry to eat. Some sweet Thailand must practice several times to get a good experience and expertise in their frequently supplier consisting of sweet Thailand to succeed in doing. Michael medicine publishing This project will be successful if you do not have to have support and advice from. Four noble truths, and Janel มหันต teacher thank you lay gold prom and parents that they are accomplished to this project. If the content of this project there is an error. Sorry, at that.Chapter 1IntroductionThe concept is important.Because the passion for candy sugar sugar candy is candy, which currently, which is difficult and tricky process ingredients is difficult. Best high investment costs, but little profit. Because most of the customers are typically elderly, but most teenagers don't consume sugar pastry expert, because it is not know what taste is to snack and packaging does look attractive as snacks in General so I was interested in doing a project about baking sugar for preservation of Thailand and made useful to professional reasons. The purpose.1. intended to conserve and inherit baking sugar.2. intended to learn how to make sugar candy.3. to spread tolerance to people who are interested on how to.Principles and theory Because the children are from Thailand, this modern Western nations too much forgotten as Thailand said Thailand, as well as a great variety of clothes to dress. Thailand tourist attractions and food (sugar candy) I have seen the importance of Thailand (candy sugar). Therefore, research information to Thailand's inheritance.The scope of the project 1. research from the Internet. 2. research your lay gold prom. PlacesT. paknam, Muang, KrabiThe benefits expected to be received.1. is supplementary occupation made for increased revenue.2. have experience in more areas than before.3. protect wisdom has been retain the aru this to local youth.4. use your spare time to exceed the benefits.5. how to apply the knowledge that has been published to provide to those interested.6. to practice working as a group.Chapter 2The associated document.From the interviewYou lay the gold prom. Candy sugar sweet sweets taste as it is a step in making it difficult; Candy sugar is currently finding it difficult to bring a meal because the raw materials in quantities are reduced, and most sales people are elderly. The modern teenager was not popular because consumers may purchase as a dessert, it's not popular, not the modern consumer.The raw materials to make.1. sugar mature. 2. the old rice flour brown sugar 3., 4. 5. coconut milk 6. record scratch head, shredded salt 7.Chapter 3How to perform the task.How to conduct research studies. The study researchers have carried out research in the following order.1. study the information stage.Survey and study on the stage 1.1 related documents By exploring and studying documents, knowledge about the use of confectionery sugar. 1.2 study materials and components made of candy sugar. 2. the data collection stage.2.1 has been collecting data from the survey and the study from documents to knowledge about how to make the candy sugar.2.2. to collect information from observations and interviews.3. the data analysis stage.Data collected and analyzed by the acquisition of objective and in-depth presentation of the meaning of the sort arrangement.Equipment used in the production. 1. sugar mature. 2. the old rice 3. flour 4. Brown sugar 5. coconut head.6. coconut record cleaning spray7. salt Chapter 4Study resultsThe process of production.1. the first child must be peeled, talo, scrape off the yellow meat. The ball until meat balls dip candles, candles, melt all out. Use a cloth to wrap the meat balls, water soluble sugar and the mouth included a tie for hanging or dry. Candy sugar mature. Scrape the flesh peeling wash talo chest. The body Tan. Best Palm seeds take to the water, khayam Filter with a thick white cloth bag krachon laeokrong by hanging them all, before using the 1 nights.2. soak the rice mill, and then transcribed, dry.3. จากนั้นผสมข้าวสารที่โม่และทับจนแห้งแล้ว รวมกับแป้งท้าวยายม่อม และลูกตาลที่ทับจนแห้งแล้วนวดส่วนผสมทั้งหมด เข้าด้วยกันจนแป้งที่ผสมเนียนและนุ่มมือ(ประมาณ 30-60 นาที)ใส่น้ำตาลสลับกับหัวกะทิ นวดจนหัวกะทิและน้ำตาล ละลายหมด พักไว้ประมาณ 5-10 ชั่วโมง นำเนื้อตาลที่ได้มานวดกับแป้งแล้วเติมกะทิ(ผสมกับน้ำตาลทรายตั้งไฟให้เดือดพักให้เย็น) นวดเนื้อลูกตาลกับแป้งข้าวเจ้าให้เข้ากัน แล้วค่อยๆเติมกะทิที่เคี่ยวไว้จนหมด เมื่อเติมกะทิจนหมดได้ลักษณะดังภาพ ปิดฝาพักไว้ 4-5 ชั่วโมงจนขึ้นฟู (เป็นฟองปุดๆๆ)4. ขั้นตอนรองสุดท้ายให้ตักแป้งที่ผสมแล้วใส่กระทงหรือถ้วยตะไล โรยมะพร้าว แล้วนึ่งให้สุกยกลงถ้าใส่ถ้วยตะไลรอให้เย็นก่อนแล้วจึงนำออกจากถ้วยจัดใส่ภาชนะ บทที่ 5สรุปผลการศึกษาการวิจัยเรื่องการทำขนมตาล ทำให้ได้รู้ถึงรู้หลักวิธีการทำ และวัฒนธรรมการการอนุรักษ์ของชุมชนในท้องถิ่นภาคใต้อันเป็นเอกลักษณ์เฉพาะที่สมควรรับการส่งเสริม และอนุรักษ์ตลอดไปจากการศึกษาพบว่า ขนมตาล เป็นขนมไทยที่นิยมก
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