Close on the occasion of Father's day, and my friends are looking for gifts, it is certainly not at all. If your friends are thinking or not is not what I will do, that it is a gift to his father, but he wanted to give the gift of a different from every year.
and the idea that this was made from our own pop-up cards and what do you say, keep it to get an impressive "backers" who is themselves. The card is not important, but it is the plain rectangular card pop up. Beautiful shapeA medium in parallel on bottom hinge base equal. It is suitable for beginners to follow. Not so hard and not sophisticated glare..) Go to start, I am Lord
the start of understanding on the part of the card pop up starting from the Basic card pop up before the start of the card pop up 90 degrees is to spread it out to make up a picture of the card pop-up card perfect spread out just 90
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