Career Development is a form of living in human society. It is the duty of the professional person in the society, where the individual is employed, it will be replaced with a stump is income or salary to spend their lives in theThere may be a career income in different career in which he was to be present in many ways, such as freelance and professional contractor who employed is a career entrepreneurs operating on their own personal belongings, it is careerAt the present time, it will be a career, we have chosen to do in various professions, But although there are many more career options in accordance with the can, we can experience, and the skills of the US.Because of the labor market, what is this thing that the people who are currently working together in this very afraid that the occupation, and then not work. It is in a way, such as a doctor nurse nurse Doctor dental dentist engineer architect engineerThe Hotel Hospitality accountant accountant scientist scientist food or spa business or Food Spa Businesses fell in the career of a lot of work, including the assistant nurses Nursing Assistant career in retail industry Occupation Retail Industry later isThe Occupation Manufacturing fell in a career as a top priority, and work 2 career is administrative work Occupation Search Admin and last fall, a number of occupations that most is the construction industry Constructionwhich people, and students in today's world, it has a different career that every one of them, and to dream, set goals, and then, but if it is, and those things may have been more than just dreams are, doctor Khun teacher Pierre home สแตส or Stuart Harbinson Air Host Stewart or engineer nurse nurse entrepreneur businessman artist artist stars star singer singer lawyers lawyer architect architect police military police soldier pilot pilot guide guide cook or chef Cook Chef interpreter or interpreter and journalists journalistThere is an occupation, it will be a high-income is stable in a career and in the future. We are not slow, it will be the opening or the ASEAN community called (ASEAN:of South The Association East Asian Nations) was established on 8 August.2510 which is the establishment of several countries, has become a large community groups only one group, which was set up in order to cause the cooperation in areas such as economic cooperation with ASEAN countries, all 10Burma, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, and all these countries that have in place all the differentand I have to set on the subject of career development in ASEAN countries, there is a career 8 career support and Asean countries that will have work to do, of course, engineering engineering survey survey architecture architecture your doctor doctor dental dentist nursean accountant, accountant and, finally, the services and the tourism and Service Tourism and occupation. These are a career will be able to go to work in the ASEAN countries are comfortable casual.The intention, if we have the will to work, whether it was their career since we will be able to do it.
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