Siam let the Japanese in to save their little yellow skins, since it took a neutral stance. They were a bunch of cowards, not willing to fight, so they backed down. Thais are not told this in their history lessons , loss of face of course !
Forward about 70 years, nothing much has changed, Thailand still passing the buck !
Siam let the Japanese in to save their little yellow skins, since it took a neutral stance. They were a bunch of cowards, not willing to fight, so they backed down. Thais are not told this in their history lessons , loss of face of course !Forward about 70 years, nothing much has changed, Thailand still passing the buck !
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Siam let the Japanese in to save their little yellow skins, since it took a neutral stance. They were a bunch of cowards, not willing to fight, so they backed down. Thais are not told this in their history Lessons, loss of Face of course! Forward About 70 years, much has changed Nothing, Thailand still passing the buck!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Siam let the Japanese in to save their little yellow skins since it, took a neutral stance. They were a bunch, of cowards. Not willing, to fight so they backed down. Thais are not told this in their, history lessons loss of face of course!
Forward. About, 70 years nothing much has changed Thailand still, passing the buck!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..