Theory of exchange between the leaders with a member (Leader Member Exchange Thery)A theory of exchange between the leaders, with all members to work together and exchange information as to whether the leaders would agree to a henchman, and give priority to the leadership with the theory group is a fellowship of child participation;A study of University of Iowa About the behavior of the leaders to participate in the decision. Divided into 3 StyleDigital dictator (Autocratic Leadership) is a leading decision alone. His daughters take part in crazy decision power. Focused on controlling the ball and look closely his henchman who according to theory X is that people like to be enforced. People like to order. People don't like the idea.) Therefore, such contributions should be made to see that everyone is involved in the decision to work out better.Leaders of the Democratic Front (democratic Leadership) is the leader to allow his daughter to participate in the decision. Henchman, taking part in reviews These leaders are generous sympathized advising henchman henchman henchman working for decided to help aid thinking and see how to decide who has the majority. What kind of ideas and vote vote that most of the comments are, however, a decision on it. These leaders will look at who is a good person Y is a hypothesis in itself. People were able to show their potential ideas out. His daughter will like this and a leader of the leaders will think anything new. Creative These leaders will listen to other people's criticisms and believe that a decision by a group probably, well structured and all more than satisfied.The leaders relaxed the leader (Style Decision) does not have a good leadership, and there is no knowledge of the decision to the henchman. Therefore, A decision will be made to anyone in the group because of the lack of knowledge and leadership can not trust henchman. The leader of these errors to escape. His daughter, am solely responsible. Works out to be worse.A study of the Ohio State University The behavior of the leaders of today have a category 2, as follows:Focus on people, regardless of the parent's/others (Consider Maintenance Action or Behavior) is a behavior of the building in relation to maintenance, people help each other interest of henchman henchman to take part in the decision. After he came to our attention as a friend Allows henchman to find trust, henchman henchman felt with the leaders, and then inserts a satisfaction.Focus on job/observe ourselves as primary (Initiating Structure Task Performance or Behavior) define their own roles to make decisions alone aiming at success of work. Expect high performance instruction timing and success of high leadership that is more likely to be interested, but their needs are satisfied.A study of the University of Michigan The properties of the leader should be removed as people-oriented leadership is a high Hi-Hi + aim high. As a result, completion, find this henchman +.Educational leadership, considering the relationship (between the leaders with subordinates) to a performance.Aimed at people. Pay attention to his balls. When such satisfaction. Accept the leadership contributions will come out well. Focus on jobs. The work focused attention on the good work that the henchman.
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