Doctoral thesis presented in this study, design, and build a waste water treatment system as well as sediments with electricity, which is divided into three parts: origin of DC. The trial kit and verify its transparent water. As part of the origin of DC can be adjustable between 1.5 to 30 volts at maximum flow 1 ampere, part of a series of trials will consist of. Enclosure experiments and electrode is made from steel. Acts as a positive electrode and a negative to the system when this electrical connectors, electrical power sources, and the best of a series of transparent authentication consists of water. Solar cell size of 10 Watts, the principles work will use waste water pouring fit and use electrical connectors are plugged into the cradle and power supply voltage at 20 and 30 volts in a trial. 5 hours, and then bring the water to try to check the water's transparency to a voltage. Results of experimental wastewater treatment system, including sediments with electric found that when the voltage supply 20 and 30 volts, with water that is used in the experiment there are three types of water mixed wastewater from homes, paint and cement pond Cola by terms that are clear and transparent time starts from 3-5 hours, respectively. When tested with the Verify transparent water water found that mixing paint at home. The value of the voltage treatment before 20 and 30 volts is 3.37 Volt values after treatment at voltage 20 Volt is 3.50 Volt voltage volts and 30 is 3.75 v wastewater from the pond cement. The value of the voltage treatment before 20 and 30 volts is 3.64 Volt values after treatment of 20 Volt voltage volts is the voltage at 4.25 and 30 volts is 4.36 volts and Cola. The value of the voltage treatment before 20 and 30 volts is 3.21 Volt values after treatment of 20 Volt voltage volts is the voltage at 3.75 and 30 volts, 3.95 volts which can be seen when using the voltage increases, the time when water begins to clear and transparent values of water, it will increase as well.
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