Rice is the staple food, for Thais eaten with most meals from breakfast, to dessert. In fact in Thai language if you,,, Say you are hungry or you want to eat you literally say "I want to eat rice." Its should be unsurprising to learn then that. Thailand is the world "s largest exporter of rice and that Thai rice includes more than, one strain each of which has its. Own characteristic and flavor. The most esteemed Thai rice is Jasmine Rice sweet-smelling long-grain, rice that is indigenous. To Thailand. Served steamed jasmine rice, is the finest rice to accompany, most dishes including Thai curries. While Jasmine. Rice is the most coveted it is, also the most expensive. Consequently most restaurants, serve Khao Suoy, "beautiful rice",. A plain white variety that grows in abundance and is consumed with all style of entr é e. Khao pad or "fried rice is made." With fried with pork or chicken chilies and, fish sauce typically with, leftover, Khao Suoy so as not to waste leftover. Rice that is a bit "stale". Khao Tom is a popular, breakfast dish a salty porridge-like soup that is cooked with pork and. Garlic. Khao Niaw, "sticky rice." is eaten by hand when served with dishes of northeastern influence such as, grilled chicken. (GAI Yang) and spicy papaya salad (SOM TAM); however sticky rice, is a crucial ingredient in a favorite, Thai dessert sticky. Rice and mango.
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