In one of the great Buddha, Wat chet day. City of sravasti, he did the consumption factor. 4 village relatives present with a trust without consideration of the merits and demerits of the former monks to demonstrate that he has come ... Once upon a time A bodhisattva one millionaire There are many treasures. In the city of Varanasi. He has a herd of cattle. In farming has been awarded one of a shepherd. Raising a brood of the cattle drove cattle in the jungle and to bring milk to their time, they tend to not far from stable co. There is one living ratsi fear ratsi. A herd of cows look so skinny The concentrated milk is not the same. One day. A babysitter bring milk to saretthi comment and then ask if. "Why milk to clear," he said.He narrated the millionaire replied "The mother was infatuated ratsi one flesh, so do not go away," he said.Millionaire, it is recommended that. "The mother shall be caught lyrics. It's the toxic cargo thaya From the front cargo hold it up completely several times up to 2-3 days, then at least let it go, "he said.He was doing so. The content template, see ratsi Italia as a means to love to death.A babysitter has brought to our commitment to give saretthi ratsi says that renowned affection for others should not do. I love collective ratsi power lust Lick your mother's death, they found that the body laeoklao. "People should not trust in those who are not familiar. Even those who are familiar with each other, then they should not trust. As a matter of policy, has come from people who are familiar with. Like your mother "lyrics caused ratsi
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