Essay about my career Physicians
my future career. My ambition is "medical" reasons that I dreamed of as a physician is to help and care for those who are experiencing health problems. Which is considered one of philanthropy Occupational medicine is a profession that society is like. In the political environment and technology. Result of stress from the environment have generated a health problem even more. Adding to the problem of pollution By industry Some medical technology is an important part of treating health care for the people
's flipping Medicine is a profession with honor, dignity of individuals are respected. Due to the high responsibility Responsible for many peoples lives Who are experiencing health problems Flipping the phone is an important part of the development of human resources of the country, young adults, seniors, whether old. How much is a key It may have health problems. The need for medical care. Healing to those recovered from the
inspiration that made me want to be a doctor. Born from the desire to help others. And to care for those in the wilderness of Medicine lack of health. Opportunity to receive treatment Or with less care than people in general. I would like an opportunity to live in safety. And free from disease to them
masters of medicine that makes me feel like a doctor is a doctor who treated me in childhood. You care for me as well At one time I did not sleep much at night. You would be happy to wake up and treated, even though at that time I lay asleep. I was surprised with his dedication to maintaining patient care and outside talent. And now I understand why you sacrifice yourself. To maintain The reason is that you have a "medical" learned to care for people with full knowledge. Ability
Finally, I want you to hold the phone. The words of the Buddha "The disease is Wealth" to keep everyone happy in life. Free from any and all ailments.
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