It should be noted that any attempt to compare development processes of versions 1.0 and 2.0 is influenced by the fact. That functionality was mostly known during development of version 2.0. While comparison would be much more relevant if twoversions. Were developed, in parallel some - at least hypothetical - comparisons can be made.For instance change of, the underlying database. From SQLite to MySQL would be reduced to one minute needed to modifyfoursettingsin the, configuration file if the application. Has beendeveloped using CodeIgniter from the beginning thanks toCodeIgniter ', s Active Record Class (not counting time spent. On programming, the database since that time is identical for both methods). On the other hand the same, change in the version. Written without using framework (performedlater solely for, the purposesof this paper) took two hours of developer s time.Unit. ' Testing is also an area of development where web application frameworks offer significant advantage. Software, unittesting. Defined by the IEEE as a process that includes the performance of, test planning the acquisition of a test set and the,, Measurement of a test unit against its requirements [13], is facilitatedin CodeIgniterby the Unit Testing Class.In the version. Programmed without the use of CodeIgniter unit testing, was performed manually (although it should be noted that it could. Have been done by using specialized unit testing framework such as, PHPUnit).
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