Preparing the soil for the cultivation of rice suited to low-wage countries and regions, and it rains a lot because it's very labor to prepare the soil and need adequate water. However, the khaosamarot grow almost anywhere, even on steep hills or mountain district water control system in step, although its parent species, it is native to parts of Asia and Africa of hundreds of years of trade and export, making it in many culture convened.The traditional method for soil preparation walok for rice is to make a flood converting for a while or after setting the minimum age of seedlings. This simple method requires a strong planning and servicing of dams and channels, but reduced the development of seeds are rarely strong and weed growth occurring while drowning, and inhibits pests while keeping the flood is not necessary for the preparation of soil for the cultivation of rice. All the methods in the irrigation needs of the effort is higher than in the control of weeds and pests during the growing and the different ways for fertilizing the soil down.
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