What my father did, to the joy of his children. My father hath tired our perception, but he never said the word "tired" time sometimes we thought that we will feel tired and then Dad for we are the work of more than a quick glance capital million times. Dad is tired? My father used it to stay? Because we see each other every day. He has a lot of render. A day to not know that What my father made our father, it is believed that children could not lecture, but everyone realized it would have children who land in Thailand this is not love, Dad? Because of what we saw, it was confirmed that the father's love child for most everyone, not for me. Dear father teach parents capital I love myself from life were like. My father has a right to know Dharma Assembly, thus, sufficiency and fit. Love that he taught me love others (brother), without bias, and regardless of the differences, whether of race, religion, social status even a political cult.
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