David Owens
Instructor Owens
ENGL 101
9 December 2007
Snapshot of a Writer/Teacher
When I got out of high school, I didn’t really know how to write an essay, despite
having been in all the honors English classes. In high school, or at least in my high school,
there were few enough students who enjoyed writing that, if a student had one or two
original ideas and a smart turn of phrase, she could get away with almost anything. I
certainly had never been told about the five-paragraph essay, and I usually just wrote to
amuse the teacher or myself.
My instinct for writing structures got me through the English 102 research paper in
college, but I didn’t really learn what academic writing was until my Shakespeare and
Chaucer seminar at Evergreen. The professor slammed my first paper with quite a few
sharp and sarcastic remarks, and I figured out pretty quickly what was acceptable and what
wasn’t. My analysis was more careful from then on. But what really taught me to write
was the fact that I had an actual audience for the first time ever. The professors had us
publish our bi-weekly essays in a notebook in the library, and other students not only read
them, but also responded to them. It was here I learned to keep the reader in mind and lead
them carefully through my argument without losing them or confusing them. If they were
going to respond to my paper, I really wanted them to respond to the idea, not talk about
the places they got lost or confused, or completely misunderstand my idea and so respond
David OwensInstructor OwensENGL 1019 December 2007Snapshot of a Writer/TeacherWhen I got out of high school, I didn’t really know how to write an essay, despitehaving been in all the honors English classes. In high school, or at least in my high school,there were few enough students who enjoyed writing that, if a student had one or twooriginal ideas and a smart turn of phrase, she could get away with almost anything. Icertainly had never been told about the five-paragraph essay, and I usually just wrote toamuse the teacher or myself.My instinct for writing structures got me through the English 102 research paper incollege, but I didn’t really learn what academic writing was until my Shakespeare andChaucer seminar at Evergreen. The professor slammed my first paper with quite a fewsharp and sarcastic remarks, and I figured out pretty quickly what was acceptable and whatwasn’t. My analysis was more careful from then on. But what really taught me to writewas the fact that I had an actual audience for the first time ever. The professors had uspublish our bi-weekly essays in a notebook in the library, and other students not only readthem, but also responded to them. It was here I learned to keep the reader in mind and leadthem carefully through my argument without losing them or confusing them. If they weregoing to respond to my paper, I really wanted them to respond to the idea, not talk aboutthe places they got lost or confused, or completely misunderstand my idea and so respond
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David Owens
Owens Instructor
ENGL 101
9 December 2007
Snapshot of a Writer / Teacher
When I got out of High school, I did not know How to write an Essay Really, Despite
having been in all the Honors English classes. High in school, or at Least in My High school,
there were few students Enough Writing Who enjoyed that, if a student had one or Two
Original ideas and a turn of phrase Smart, Get Away with She could Almost anything. I
certainly had been told Never About the Five-Paragraph Essay, and I usually just wrote to
the teacher or Amuse Myself.
My Instinct got Structures for Me Through Writing the Research Paper in English 102
College, but I did not Really Learn what Academic. My Writing was until Shakespeare and
Chaucer Seminar at Evergreen. My professor slammed the First Paper with quite a few
sharp and sarcastic remarks, and I Figured out what was acceptable and what Quickly pretty
was not. My analysis was more careful from then on. Really taught Me to write but what
was the Fact that I had an audience Actual for the First time Ever. The professors had US
Publish our BI-Weekly essays in a notebook in the Library, and Other students not only read
them, but also responded to them. It was here I learned to Keep in Mind Reader and the Lead
Through them carefully Without Losing My argument them or confusing them. If they were
going to respond to My Paper, I Really Wanted them to respond to the Idea, not talk About
the Places they got Lost or confused, or completely misunderstand My Idea and so respond.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

David Owens
Instructor Owens ENGL 101 9 December 2007
Snapshot of a Writer / Teacher
When I got out of high school I didn, t. ' Really know how to write, an essay despite
having been in all the honors English classes. In, high school or at least in. My high school
there, were few enough students who enjoyed, writing that if a student had one or two
original ideas and. A smart turn, of phraseShe could get away with almost anything. I
certainly had never been told about the, five-paragraph essay and I usually. Just wrote to
amuse the teacher or myself.
My instinct for writing structures got me through the English 102 research paper. In
college but I, didn 't really learn what academic writing was until my Shakespeare and
Chaucer seminar at Evergreen.The Professor slammed my first paper with quite a few
sharp and sarcastic remarks and I, figured out pretty quickly what. Was acceptable and what
wasn 't. My analysis was more careful from then on. But what really taught me to write
was the fact. That I had an actual audience for the first time ever. The professors had us
publish our bi-weekly essays in a notebook. In, the libraryAnd other students not only read
them but also, responded to them. It was here I learned to keep the reader in mind and. Lead
them carefully through my argument without losing them or confusing them. If they were
going to respond to, my paper. I really wanted them to respond to, the idea not talk about
the places they got lost, or confused or completely misunderstand. My idea and so respond.
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