สัญญาจะซื้อจะขายห้องชุดสัญญาฉบับนี้ทําขึ้น ณ ......................... การแปล - สัญญาจะซื้อจะขายห้องชุดสัญญาฉบับนี้ทําขึ้น ณ ......................... อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


สัญญาฉบับนี้ทําขึ้น ณ ..........................................วันที่ .....เดือน ................ พ.ศ. ..........
ระหวาง .....................................ผูมีกรรมสิทธิ์ในที่ดินและอาคาร อายุ ....... ปี สัญชาติ ............. ที่อยู่ /ที่ตั้ง
สํานักงาน เลขที่ ........ตรอก/ซอย.............. .................ถนน ........................ หมูที่ ....... ตําบล/แขวง.......
.................... อําเภอ/เขต ...................จังหวัด....................โทรศัพท ....................โดย..........................
..........................ผูมีอํานาจกระทําการแทน ปรากฏตามหนังสือมอบอํานาจลงวันที่...... เดือน.........พ.ศ. .......
ชื่ออาคารชุด .................................. ที่ตั้งเลขที่ ...... ตรอก / ซอย ........................ ถนน.......................
หมูที่ ...... ตําบล/แขวง ..................อําเภอ/เขต ......................จังหวัด.......................โทรศัพท................
ซึ่งตอไปในสัญญานี้เรียกวา “ผูจะขาย” ฝายหนึ่ง กับ .........................................อายุ ....... ปสัญชาติ .........
ที่อยู/ที่ตั้งสํานักงานเลขที่.............. ตรอก/ซอย ........................... ถนน .................................หมูที่ ........
ตําบล/แขวง.......................อําเภอ/เขต ........................จังหวัด .........................โทรศัพท .....................
ซึ่งตอไปในสัญญานี้เรียกวา “ผูจะซื้อ” อีกฝายหนึ่ง
ขอ ๑ คํารับรองของผูจะขาย
๑.๑ ผูจะขายรับรองวา ผูจะขายเปนผูมีกรรมสิทธิ์ในที่ดินซึ่งเปนที่ตั้งของอาคารชุดตาม
โฉนดที่ดินเลขที่ ............หนาสํารวจ .......... เลขที่ดิน ........ ตําบล/แขวง .......................อําเภอ / เขต
........................ จังหวัด ..................... เนื้อที่ ........ไร .......งาน ........ ตารางวา โดยที่ดินแปลงดังกลาว
 ไดจํานองไวกับ ................................................................ / ไดจดทะเบียน
บุริมสิทธิในที่ดินใหแก ....................................................โดยที่ดินแปลงดังกลาวเปนประกันหนี้จํานอง /
หนี้บุริมสิทธิจํานวนเงิน..............................บาท (.............................................)
 ไมมีจํานอง / ไมมีบุริมสิทธิ
๑.๒ ผูจะขายรับรองวาอาคารชุดและหองชุด เปนกรรมสิทธิ์ของผูจะขาย โดยอาคาร
 มีการจํานองรวมอยูกับที่ดิน ไวกับ......................................... / ไดจดทะเบียน
บุริมสิทธิในอาคารรวมกับที่ดินใหแก............................................... โดยจํานวนเงินที่ประกันหนี้จํานอง/หนี้
บุริมสิทธิเทากับจํานวนเงินตามขอ ๑.๑
 ไมมีจํานอง / ไมมีบุริมสิทธิ
๑.๓ ผูจะขายไดรับใบอนุญาตใหกอสรางอาคารจากเจาพนักงานทองถิ่นตามกฎหมายวา
ดวยการควบคุมอาคารเรียบรอยแลว ตามใบอนุญาตเลขที่ ......... / ......... ลงวันที่ ............................. ขณะนี้
 อยูในระหวางการกอสราง เมื่อไดกอสรางแลวเสร็จจะนําไปจดทะเบียนเปนอาคารชุด
 ไดกอสรางแลวเสร็จ อยูในระหวางการนําไปจดทะเบียนอาคารชุด
ขอ ๒ ขอตกลงจะซื้อจะขาย
๒.๑ ผูจะขายตกลงจะขายและผูจะซื้อตกลงจะซื้อหองชุดในอาคารชุด
..............................จํานวน .......... หองชุด ดังนี้
๒.๑.๑ หองชุดเลขที่ ............ ชั้นที่ .......... เนื้อที่ ....................... ตารางเมตร
๒.๑.๒ หองชุดเลขที่ ........... ชั้นที่ .......... เนื้อที่ .........................ตารางเมตร
๒.๑.๓ หองชุดเลขที่ ........... ชั้นที่ ......... เนื้อที่ ..........................ตารางเมตร
๒.๒ นอกจากกรรมสิทธิ์ในหองชุดตามขอ ๒.๑ แลวยังรวมถึงทรัพยสวนกลาง ซึ่ง
ผูจะซื้อมีสิทธิใชสอยรวมกันกับเจาของหองชุดอื่น ๆ ดังตอไปนี้
๒.๒.๑ ทรัพยตามที่พระราชบัญญัติอาคารชุด พ.ศ. ๒๕๒๒ และที่แกไขเพิ่มเติม
๒.๒.๒ ที่ดินที่ตั้งอาคารชุดจํานวน ............ ไร ......... งาน ........... ตารางวา
๒.๒.๓ สิ่งอํานวยความสะดวกตางๆ ที่ผูจะซื้อจะไดรับ โดยผูจะขายมีความผูกพัน
ที่จะตองนําไปจดทะเบียนเปนทรัพยสวนกลาง (รายละเอียดปรากฏตามเอกสารแนบทายสัญญา) ทั้งนี้หาก
ผูจะขายไดทําการโฆษณาดวยขอความหรือภาพโฆษณา ใหถือวาเอกสารที่โฆษณาดวยขอความและภาพโฆษณา
ขอ ๓ ราคาจะซื้อจะขาย
๓.๑ ผูจะซื้อและผูจะขายตกลงจะซื้อจะขายหองชุดตามขอ ๒ จํานวน .............หองชุด
ในราคาตารางเมตรละ.................... บาท (..........................) รวมเปนเงินทั้งสิ้น ...........................บาท
๓.๒ ในกรณีที่อาคารชุดยังดําเนินการกอสรางไมแลวเสร็จ ตอมาเมื่อการกอสรางแลวเสร็จ
ปรากฏวา มีเนื้อที่หองชุดเพิ่มขึ้นหรือลดลงจากจํานวนที่ระบุไวในสัญญา คูสัญญาตกลงคิดราคาหองชุดสวนที่
เพิ่มขึ้นหรือลดลงในราคาตอหนวยตามที่กําหนดในขอ ๓.๑ และใหนําราคาหองชุดในสวนที่เพิ่มขึ้นหรือลดลงไป
เพิ่มหรือลดลงจากราคาหองชุดตามขอ ๓.๑ และจํานวนเงินที่ตองชําระตามขอ ๔.๒
ขอ ๔ การชําระเงินและการโอนกรรมสิทธิ์
๔.๑ คูสัญญาตกลงใหถือเอาเงินที่ผูจะซื้อไดชําระในวันที่จอง เมื่อ วันที่ .....
เดือน...............พ.ศ. ....... จํานวน .......................บาท (..............................) และเงินที่ผูจะซื้อไดชําระใน
วันทําสัญญานี้จํานวน ......................... บาท (........................................) รวมเงินที่ผูจะซื้อไดชําระใหแกผู
จะขายไปแลวทั้งสิ้นจํานวน .....................บาท(................................)เปนการชําระราคาคาหองชุดตาม
ขอ ๓.๑ สวนหนึ่ง
๔.๒ ผูจะซื้อตกลงชําระราคาคาหองชุดที่เหลือจํานวน ............................บาท
(..............................) โดยแบงชําระเปนงวด ๆ ดังนี้
๔.๒.๑ งวดที่ ๑ จํานวน................บาท(.................) ชําระภายในวันที่................
๔.๒.๒ งวดที่ ๒จํานวน................บาท(.................) ชําระภายในวันที่...............
๔.๒.๓ งวดที่ ๓ จํานวน ................บาท(...............) ชําระภายในวันที่ ...............
๔.๒... งวดสุดทายจํานวน ............................. บาท (....................................)
๔.๓ ในการชําระเงินคาหองชุด ผูจะซื้อจะตองนําไปชําระใหแกผูจะขาย ณ ภูมิลําเนาของ
หนังสือเปนที่ชําระ และผูจะขายตองออกหลักฐานเปนหนังสือลงลายมือชื่อผูจะขายหรือผูรับเงินใหแกผูจะซื้อ
๔.๔ ผูจะขายรับรองวาจะดําเนินโครงการอาคารชุดใหแลวเสร็จ พรอมที่จะโอนกรรมสิทธิ์
ในหองชุดใหแกผูจะซื้อภายในวันที่ ...... เดือน ..................... พ.ศ. ..........โดยผูจะขายจะแจงกําหนดวัน
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
The contract to buy the apartment will be sold.สัญญาฉบับนี้ทําขึ้น ณ ..........................................วันที่ .....เดือน ................ พ.ศ. ..........Specify าง in Shanghai There are younger  ..................................... holder and the address, nationality, year-old ....... .............-Office No. ........ at/SOI  that pig ........... ................. ........................ road ....... subdistrict .......District .................... ...................จังหวัด....................โทรศัพท ....................โดย.......................... Powers Act .......................... younger instead. The power of attorney dated ...... Month grain since .......ชื่ออาคารชุด .................................. ที่ตั้งเลขที่ ...... ตรอก / ซอย ........................ ถนน.......................The  pork ...... subdistrict district .................. ......................จังหวัด.......................โทรศัพท................Where the contract is made to apai . า, "the younger  to sell"  yanueng with an age ....... ......................................... ฝ hectares grain of nationality.For those of you who /office number ........... ตรอก/ซอย ........................... ถนน .................................หมูที่ ........Subdistrict district ....................... ........................จังหวัด .........................โทรศัพท .....................Where the contract is made to apai . า, "the younger  to buy the" other ฝ  yanueng.CU  yotklong  two contracts ฝ contract with b  okwam: this  apai.(B) a certificate of  sur 1 younger .1.1 younger engineers certificate า  to sell younger   naphu  paper bag will be sold with a title on the land which is the  of area by area.Land title deed no. ............  .......... survey number means the land ........ subdistrict district ....................... province of ........................ how space ........ ..................... ....... ........ square meters work by said าว land. Dai  Dai  sensitivity to ................................................................/mortgage  has been registered.Preferred shares in the land results in  Grand .  said land by .................................................... wape mortgage debt/ noprakan.หนี้บุริมสิทธิจํานวนเงิน..............................บาท (.............................................) is my mortgage/my   is preferred.1.2. the younger  certificate  ongchut  condo and dirty. Peter bird rights of younger  transaction  is sold by the building.าว saidFor those of you who are remembered both include   with  sensitivity to land/......................................... Dai- has been registered.Ordinary buildings, combined with land results in  Grand  ............................................... By the amount of debt owed to the mortgage/insurance.Preferred here with the amount based on the b sur 1.1 . is my mortgage/my   is preferred.1.3   to sell younger drivers license   งอาคาร  ason. results from the j-. . ongthin on the suite า.Jade  wayakan  ayalae  control smooth lookin building – according to the number of grain/grain license dated now .............................Condo no less offensive to the Shanghai    ason าง Kangaroo. When the directory is   ngalae  wasaret . ason will be incorporated into a set of  towers..   ason  Dai ngalae  wasaret. For those of you  the  is going to be listed in Shanghai gives condominiums. -2-B 2 b   sur otklong buy sell2.1 an agreement to sell  to sell younger and younger  to purchase agreement to buy a condominium in  ongchut...............................จํานวน .......... หองชุด Is as follows:2.1. the number 1 with  ongchut ............ .......... floor space in sqm: .......................2.1. ........... No. 2 with  ongchut the floor space in square metres ......................... ..........2.1. ........... No. 3 with  ongchut grain layer .......................... square meters space.2.2 in addition to medicine with permission  ongchut  sur  by b 2.1 includes disruption  Lae transformation here central loop.The purchase of rights to support younger    womkan j  with consummate utility of dirty   ongchut other: this apai.2.2.1 large  by the condominium Act and Grand  2522 (1979) further revised.Define dahai   นทรัพย   Pedro considered here Middle loop.2.2. the amount of land area condo 2 ............ how grain work ...........  square meters.2.2.3 facilities. the younger  to buy างๆ to   by younger drivers will be sold with a commitment.To ongnam to register .  นทรัพย  here is the central loop (detail shown by documents attached Suite  yasanya).Younger   make the directory advertising  wayok  okwam jade or image advertising. Provide advertising document considered    wayok  okwam and jade commercial.One of the Robin Peter  not  the contract of purchase is the Jade  วย.(B) the purchase price to  sur 3 sales.3.1 younger  to purchase and sale agreement to buy a younger  will be sold with  ongchut by  sur 2 (b) the number of. Dirty  ongchut .............Price per square meter ....................  (..........................) and Pedro nangoen. ...........................บาท(...............................)3.2 in the case of a condominium to continue  ngamai  Lae  holding  wasaret ason. -land when the filter .  ngalae  wasaret ason.It appears that the meat is very  า Moscow ongchut increase or decrease from the number that is specified in the contract, little . CU  tooling charge price with  ongchut walking the loop.Increase or decrease in price.   wayatam-assigned ahon in b  sur. 3.1. price and provide the  bring  ongchut in walking loop that increases or decreases to.Increase or decrease from dirty  ongchut by b  sur 3.1, and the amount of money   ongcham RA-based b. sur 4.2.B  sur 4 payment and conveyancingThe contract between 4.1 CU    to buy a substitute at younger drivers  pay for the book. When the date .....Number of months since ............... ....... ....................... Baht (..............................) and the younger  to buy  in directory.For this contract, the amount of the total money ......................... (........................................) at younger  to buy   drivers  pay gap between younger .Will sell to Lae  wathang total? Peter  (................................) ..................... Bulletin าห  ongchut c price paid by.(B) one of the walking cycle 3.1 sur .-3-4.2 the purchase agreement, settle the younger  price c าห  ongchut remaining amount. ............................บาท(..............................) By Pedro   ngacham RA brands give wot:4.2. the number 1 period 1 (.................) ................ Paid for the ................4.2. the period 2 number 2 (.................) ................ Paid on the day of ...............4.2. the 3 number 3 installments. ................บาท(...............) Paid on the day of ...............4.2 ... งวดสุดทายจํานวน ............................. บาท (....................................)4.3 to pay c าห  ongchut Younger  to buy  tons of ongnam to the settlement disruption  Grand  to sell younger at the hometown of.Younger  to sell appears in the contract if there is a change to the chart  chart, aircraft provide a copy of a copy of the younger  to assume the Lam will sell  Jasmine  ngahai directory   mountain is known.The book is the  Plains and younger  will sell tons of evidence into a chest   nanangsue ango signed younger  to sell or educate younger   cash  Grand  to buy younger.4.4. certificate will be sold  younger  will continue the project results  wasaret  Lae condominium. -blessings to conveyancingIn the very  ongchut  Grand   to educate younger within months ..................... .......... date ...... by  to sell since younger chachae  ngakamnot day.Registration of transfer of innovation projects with  rights ongchut  between  to buy younger realize  bands  Mai  means concentrating in the Green   WOR days ayok.Younger  to buy the rights to transfer transactions with   ongchut.   directory when the younger sales EPL   งอาคาร ason and  angot.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]

Contracts to buy and sell units
of this Agreement, done at ...................................... The month ................ ..... .... BE ..........
between the . .....................................  the ownership of land and buildings age .... Nationality ............. ... Address / Location
Office No. ........ Lane / Road .............. Road ................. ........................  a pig ....... Tambol / Kwang .......
.................... District / Province County ................... .................... phone . By .................... ..........................
... .......................  have the authority to act on their behalf. According to the attorney dated ...... ......... Month. Fri. .......
name Condo .................................. The number ...... Lane / Road ........................ Street .......................
pig ......  at Tambon / Road ............ ...... District / Area Province ...................... ....................... phone . ...............
which  to  herein referred as "the  to sell," French  the one with ........... .............................. ....... age or nationality ......... 
Address  / Head Office No. .............. Lane / Road ........................... .................................  the road hog ........
Tambol / Kwang ....................... district / county. ........................province ......................... Phone  .....................
which  to  herein referred as "the  to buy" the other party  a
ditch  two contracts. French  the contracts together with the  a below  following
the certification of the  the first  to sell
1.1. The  will certify the .  the authority to sell the   Freeholder which  the location of the building on
the land title deed. The survey ............  the land No. ........ .......... Tambon / road ...... ................. district / county
........................ province ..................... However  ....... ........ ........ space and square wah of land such  Page
. The  mortgaged  with. .................................................. .............. /  the registration
of land rights in the  Gary . .................................................. .. The plot, such as the news   mortgage debt securities. /
preferential debts amounting to Baht ............................... (.............................................)
 not  a mortgage / no preferential rights 
1.2.  to sell the condominium and certifies   for the series.  the property of the  to sell. By building
such  Page
. The Company's project included  land. Wide  on ......................................... /  the registered
rights in land, buildings, including the Grand  ....................................  ........... The amount of the guaranteed debt, mortgage / debt,
preferred pour  according to the amount of 1.1 
  not have a mortgage / no preferential rights 
1.3. The  selling  License   construction of the building by J.    local employees of the law  the
 with the control tower had already finished   it. License No. ......... / ......... dated ....................... ...... We
 During the    the process of constructing the . When  a   the construction and completion will lead to  registered as condominiums 
. The  a   the construction and completion . During the   process of the registration of the condominium to
b 2 b   agreement to sell
2.1.  to the seller and the seller agrees to buy  agreed to purchase the units in the condominium 
............................. . No. ..........  for the series are as follows:
2.1.1  units for Class No. ............ ...... ....................... area .... M
2.1.2  for units No. floor .......... ........... .................... area ..... square meters
2.1.3  for units No. ..................... ........... floor space ......... m .....
2.2 The ownership of the Units pursuant    2.1 and also includes the securities   central. The
 be eligible for the comforts of   together with the owner of the   other units, such  following
: 2.2.1. Securities  the Condominium Act BE 2522 and the Grand  more eggs
set   considered the property of the   the central 
2.2.2. The condominium land of earnings ............ ........... meters  ......... work
things 2.2.3.  facilitate the operation.  that the purchaser will be given . By the  to sell a bond
that will be used to  registered   the property's central . (As detailed in Attachment  the agreement) if
the  to sell advertising on the   with the , or an image ad. The  considered  than documents with text ads on   and pictures advertising
the post   part of the agreement to sell this  with
the  the third price to sell
3.1.  the buy and the sell  agreed to sell the units according   the second number for  ............. Units
at a price per square meter .. .................. Baht (..........................) as well as the amount of . ........................... Baht
..........) 3.2 In the case of condominiums also operated a construction   the  and  not completed. Later on the group's    the construction and completion 
appeared that the . There is space for  units increase or decrease in the amount specified in the contract .  Manual tooling charge for the series   of the
increase or decrease in price   an allotment as defined in Article 3.1 and the    the price for condominium units. The  of increased or decreased to
increase or decrease the price for the Series B   3.1 and amounts to be paid under the   4.2
b  in the fourth. Payment and transfer of ownership
4.1.  contract counterparty agrees to take the money that the   to buy  paid on the day of booking on .....
............... month. Fri. ....... Totaling Baht ....................... (..............................) And the money that the  to buy  paid on the
day the agreement is necessary. SECTION ......................... Baht (........................................), including money that the  to buy.  be paid to the  Gary  
to sell any securities of the . ..................... Baht (........................... .....) is  the settlement price for   units based
on the  3.1  part
4.2. The purchaser agrees to pay the price    for the rest of the series. ............................ Baht
(.................... ..........) by Brad  owes money to  period following
the first period 4.2.1 Number ................ Baht (.................) Within days ................
second installment of 4.2.2. Number ................ baht (.................) Within days ....... ........
4.2.3 three installments totaling Baht ................ (............. ..) due within days. ...............
4.2 ...  the final installment amount. ............................. Baht
(....................................) 4.3 To pay for   units. The  will be  be used to repay the  to  be sold at the domicile of
the  will appear in this contract if changes are domiciled or  equate domiciled at the .  to sell his newly   know the  the
book is  the payment. And the  be sold out  the evidence is  written signature of the seller or   be paid to the    it will buy
4.4. The  sell  certify that the project will be condominiums   already completed. Providence  ready to transfer
the units in the   Gary   the purchase date ...... month ..................... .......... By the  be sold to Jan  the date of
registration of transfer of the units to   the  will notice  forward  no  pm.   less than thirty days,
the  will be transferred to the  kit  when the  selling   construction of the building and the   the beach.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]

the purchase and sale agreement unit contract make up at... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... Months to... To... To... The... ... the...
during 2002. To... To... To... To... To... The... Its the owner of the land and buildings, age... Years nationality...... address / location
.Office number... Lane / alley... To... To... To... The... The road... --...... pig prescription that... Sub-district...

... To... The...? The district / county......... In... The... The... Rang. ... to... The... The... To... To... The...

...,...... the...The consumer with the power action instead. Appear according to powers of attorney, dated... Months... To... The...
the name of... Of... Of... Of...... the location number... The alley. / alley............ the road... To... To... To...
pig prescription that... Sub-district to... To... The...The district / county......... Province... The... The...... rang... To......
which its to in the contract called. "Its are sold." M / A to... To... The... The... The... The... The age... 2005 nationality. ... the...
the residential / office location เลขที่......... Lane / alley. "...To... To... The... The road. To... To... The... The... The... Pork demand. ....
sub-district... To... The... The... The district / county. To... To... To... The... The province. To... To... To... The... Rang. ... the... The...
which its to in the contract address. "The consumer to buy." another M / A
.Its two contracts M / line pair agreed contract with B) with its popularity ratings here
B%, 1 testimonials of the consumer to sell
๑. 1 consumer sales certification.? The consumer will sell in 2005, its owner of the land, which in 2005, according to location of the condominium
deed title... To...The 2003 survey...... number soil... Sub-district. To... To... To... The... District
... To... To... To... In... The...... the... Space.... how intense... Job... Meters. By land conversion rating
 ratings. Mortgage coming to... To... To... To... The... The... The... To... To... The.../ its registered
priority in land loans you prescription. To... To... To... To... The... The... The... The... By land conversion rating qualify for insurance debt the mortgage. /
preferential debt amount... To... To... To... To...) (... To... To... To... To... The... The...))
., the ratings have mortgage / ratings have preferential
1. 2. Its sales certification rating of intense and two series. In 2005, the ownership of the consumer will be sold by building

 rating with a mortgage included prescription and land. Coming to... To... The... The... The... The... / its registered
.Priority in building integrated with land lease loans you... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...? By the amount insured mortgage debt - debt
preferential competition with the amount of the B rating. 1. 1
,  ratings are mortgage / ratings have preferential
1.3 consumer will sell its licensed loans% work from its brand name building J staff development local laws.
market and its building control, smooth and debt service to 2004, according to license number... To... /...... dated... To... To... The...

... Now condominiums. are operating during 2002 to its brand name. When its brand name and its Council work units will be registered in 2002 condominium
 Nestl%, 2001 and 2004 completed or is a rating between 2002, leading to condominium registration
- 2 -
B rating. Two of its agreed to purchase and sale
2.1. Its sales fell down to sell the consumer to buy and agreed to buy two sets in intense condominium
... To... The... The... The... The number...... intense two sets as follows:
2. 1. 1. Intense two series number... To... The... The... Space... To... The... The... M
2. 1. 2 intense two sets the number of... To... The...... space. To... To... To... The... M
2. 1. 3 intense two series number... To... The... The... Space. To... To... The... The... M
2. 2. In addition to the ownership of intense two sets according to its B. 2.1 and its วยั include competition 2002, Central Park, which
.The consumer is buying the rights from its nature, together with its leverage J of intense two other series as its here
2. 2.1 competition according to the law of 2522 and you its solve more
determines its profitability holds. In 2002 2002 competition central park
2.๒. 2. Land located in number. The...... how intense...... work... To... S
2. 2. 3. The amenities of its work, the consumer will buy will offset. By the consumer to sell the bond
to ta องนํ to registered in 2002 2002 through competition. (details appear according to the documents attached. You promise) however, if
.The consumer will sell its advertising its วยข its Aqua or image advertising. Loans holder. The documents advertising its วยข its messages and advertising picture
qualify for two of one of its contract for the sale of its securities this
ข. 3. The price for the sale of
3.1. The consumer to buy and its sales fell down to the purchase and sale of securities by intense two sets. 2. The number of... Is... Intense two sets
in price table Mei ตรละ... To...... to...? Baht (... To... The... The...) include 2005 money at all. ... to... The... The...)
(... To... To... To... To...))
3.2. In the case of its brand name carries the performance ratings and 2004. Its later when the brand name and its work done
appear. 2004. An intense two sets increased or decreased from the specified number coming in the contract. You agree on its promises intense two sets 2002 much
.Increase or decrease in the price of its อหน residential facilities as defined in its B. 3. 1 and loans put the price intense two sets in its courtyard increased or decreased to
increase or decrease the price intense two sets according to its B. 3. 1, and the amount of loans made ระตา concentrated its low องชํ. 4. 2
.Its B. 4, payment and conveyancing
4. 1. Ditch its tooling loans equate money consumer to buy its payment in the book on...
month... The... The... Number. To... To... To... To...) (... To... To... To... To...). Money will buy and its ratings to pay in a
.Working days, contract number... The... The... To...) (... To... To... The... The... The...). The money that consumer to buy its repay loans you its consumer
will sell and 2004 all number. ... the... The...) (... To... To... To... The...) to qualify for a paying a price C its intense two sets by
B%. 3. 1 diversification one
- 3 -
.4. 2. The consumer will buy agreed to pay the price to make intense period of the remaining amount. To... To... To... To... To...)
(... To... To... To... To...) by BAE its outstanding 25-year period. As follows:
4. 2. 1. 1 installment number...,...) (... So... That...). Pay within the who......
4. 2. 2 period 2 number... The...To...) (......). Paid within days......
4. 2. 3 period, 3 number...,...) (... The....) pay within days.......
4. 2...). Last period its line number. The... The... The... The...) (... To... To... To... To... To...)
4.3. In payment C. Intense two series. The consumer will buy will ta องนํ made to pay loans you the consumer will sell at the domicile of the consumer to sell
appeared in the contract if the change in domicile loans take domicile at its will sell its Jae but loans know principles.
.To qualify for the นที่ช books. And the consumer will sell TA out evidence to qualify for a Book signed by the consumer to sell, or consumer loans increased its money you will ซื้อ
4. 4. Its sales certification. Proceeding condominium project loans and 2004 completed its blessing to transfer
.In the intense two sets its loans consumer will buy you within a day... A month... The... The... The... ... the... By the consumer to sell its warships to Jae set the day
registered in two sets of intense transfer loans consumer will buy know al times its operating performance. Why loans increased to thirty days
.The consumer will buy will be transferred in intense two sets of its when its will sell its brand name% work buildings and intense องช.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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