History of chocolateOrigin of chocolate in Mexico Originally called "hot metal" price, which is the price of drinks that are made from cocoa beans taste somewhat nasty, but when Brown and the flavor is good, so is the new name of "shock" kolat ... introduced to kolat's shock aorot in Spain is an hoenan core domain taste. Students explore the possibilities to reach the people of Spain in Central Mexico to scramble. Told that theThe Emperor and the Monte taetsu Mar sathaek I think taste is God course from the sea thus welcome drinks hot metal prices or price shock this him kolat. After this strange beverage, it is widespread in other countries in Europe, and when they reached England. The name of the tune, a chocolate shock kolat.In 1765. Chocolate production occurred from cocoa beans more numerous in Europe and America. Chocolate milk has been produced. Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate-coated bars, as well as to beautify images country Denmark considered chocolate as a sandwich snacks. There is also a manufacturer of cigarettes, chocolate.
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