The removal and inhibit the growth of microorganisms
(Destruction and Inhibition of Microorganisms)
.Microorganisms have both advantages and disadvantages in the blame that will cause loss and destruction has several reasons, such as microorganisms may be the cause that cause disease to humans. Animal and plant crops.Or raw materials, cooking. And the production of something that makes the food change to eat, or produce substances in food ทำให้เป็น danger. Consumers can destroy microorganisms as well as the material things, appliances, such as riceLeather, cloth, bridges, buildings, houses, house paint, antiques, etc., make the change that would damage the economy. So it is necessary to find a way to control the microorganisms in various them.How to control the means to kill (killing) inhibition (inbibbtion) and removal of microorganisms out (removal) itself. The following operations Introduced the basic method to control microorganisms
.Removal of microorganisms or antisepsis. And the inhibition of microbial growth. Together in several ways, which based on the method of physics, chemistry, and use of antibiotics
methods in physics. (physical method)
.Such as the use of heat radiation, filtering, cold and dry
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