The end of life of a League-fa to heal. He holds the position of Ibn affan to Nui's fa League. At the age of 70 years, he is polite, there are gentle, well-intentioned during your League is regarded as the fa have got to crack the parents who dress up in Schomburgk's deer, Lee fa, but there is a lot of place to appoint a close position, because the trust in them.From some parents are strict, so some residents are not satisfied. At the same time, Abdullah ibn Saeed UL lo ba a believer in NA I Philadelphia (a sly), which is the Jewish and Islamic access. It is a staggering ignite rasam and a misunderstanding between Muslims and there is a feeling that is not good for a League-fa to make one group of Muslims gathered in front of the home of a League fa-to heal, and then surround him, keep away from home with the raided murder people. While fasting and reading the Quran. This event occurs in the years when the 35 Prof. a. age 72 years and holds the position for a period of 12 years, fa League. The cause of death, Lee fa-to have caused schisms among Muslims. To conquer the territory stopped. After the Kingdom of Islam has spread widely. Eastern Starting from countries ranging from India's current Western Atlantic chondomhatmuthon. To the North. Starting from the current Turkey meets Arabian Sea South
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