December 25, 1642 the town kit Li (Lincohnshire), English nokon cheer (England)Died. March 20, 1727 in London (London), England (England)Portfolio-world gravity rules. -Set rules on the movement of an object. Theory of calculus (Calculus)- -The invention of the telescope type refraction of light. -Discovery of the properties of light that light is made up of white from the light spectrum. Among all these scientists and later Newton is a scientist who has been praised as a genius.One of the men. Even scientists who have abilities either Einstein was praised, as with Newton, that is clever to show.That he is one of the world's intelligence. He has been like this since he was found, and the mighty rule, multiple rules. The discovery has been praised and make.People know he is appealing rules in the world. , Which he discovered while at the age of just 20 wings that only. Newton was born December 25, 1642, when the village wunsotop (Woolsthorpe) Li nokon cheering for England.His father owned a small amount of land conversion, died before he was born, about 3 months he is a helpless father since before the eyes.Looking at the world. Newton is not just unfortunate, because he's weak health, premature to make any and all.Maybe so, but died in Newton, it survived to create benefits to the industry are interested in science and Humanities. When Newton is equivalent to surviving as an added burden to the HA s hospitality COC Newton (Newton Hannah Ayscough) mother.He later raised when he was two years of age his mother was remarried to BA NA BA's. Smith (Barnabas Smith), who has a career.As a priest, and earn enough to feed the mother and Newton. Moreover, BA NA BA sayindi to pay for the rent of land, with Newton again.Up to £ 50 a year previously of Newton store rents only 30 pounds a year, but also to the relative political father still hates BA NA BA's. Newton's mother must make a move to another. Newton, in parts of his political father and relatives. The study of Newton started his home walls. When he was 12 years of age have access to Gran thaem (Grantham)To study at King's school (the King School) during this time, Newton went to live with the family, the class c, which is the close friend Madame class.Newton's mother with the Newton doesn't like to have dealings with the people with the same childhood friends. Most of his spare time to reading.Books, research and invention of things and it is fortunate that Mr. Newton's classes is jars of chemicals and book collector.About science. Make Newton a chance to learn about science, he likes Newton was at the King's school. 4 years only to go back to his hometown Because of his BA NA BA sapho died with leaving the treasure with him. Thus, the mother of Newton, so want to go back to farming again and begged to help work on the farm, Newton, but Newton doesn't like to work.In the farm. He was never interested in his pet care or even less. He also spent the most on reading and artificial things.This is different between artificial UV protection watches Newton (Sun Dial), he also likes to sit and look at the stars in the sky to observe the.Movement of those stars. Newton worked on the farm, only 1 year only. Satok Mister (Mr. Stokes), a close friend of his mother and a teacher.Come out to his mother was that Newton was a wise and talented should not run this farm Newton should be sent to study. The King's school to prepare for University exams, all Uncle Newton Williams of Ascot (William Ayscough).Priests saw in this message, the two speak. His mother was sent to the Newton study at King's. After I graduated from At Kings Newton is the college admission, click New (Trinity College) in the University of Cambridge (Cambridge University) In 1664 was born in London, where plague has spread in the University of Cambridge. Therefore, throughThe University must stop teaching for a period of 8 months to prevent the disease, it's back to the House and Newton considered.The best chances of Newton in experiment education, research and science, which was found to be critical theory Newton 3 theory with.Newton likes astronomical subjects. He, artificial, intended to mimic the telescope of Galileo with themselves to be shining star horoscope.Clearly, as they want. He was one of the important things is found the theory about light, which is his first theorem. While NewtonThe lens is the rain. He noticed that the color of the Rainbow appeared around the edges of the lens. He tried the lens so that light rain Rainbow at the edge of the lens is lost.Can be done. In the end, his changes mirror concave lens or mirror lenses, including the light instead of an object to the eye lens still embossed sections according to the original. Newton's telescope, this type of telescope is reflective in the current type. Newton's telescope.He was elected to the Association of political science Association was willing to endorse the work of Newton, this piece and this piece from the University. Cambridge open again, Newton was invited into professors teaching mathematics. University of Cambridge. In the year 1948.Another 4-year 1667 and Newton was appointed as a Professor, mathematics, and a year later, Newton was invited to share a.Member of the Science Association. The invention of the telescope, he discovered the properties of light. Newton began an experiment on lighting by room Until it completely dark, lighting Rod passed through small, melt glass triangle, called Prism (Prism), exposure to sunlight through the bars.Glass Prism The results appear to light through a prism of colors: green, blue, Indigo, violet, 7, yellow, Orange, Red.
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