Description:Water Remover products Vanish-1000 ml is a high quality product from a brand. Vanish to make clothes and clean clothes and color Remover you entirely, just the first time that all the new stain cleaning. Old stains can easily eliminate just a few minutes.FeaturesRemover deep-seated purely.Water Remover products Vanish-1000 ml can be useful in conjunction with washing detergent Remover enhancing adhere easily to my deep-seated. Can be used with fabric paint and a white cloth.Washing machine, Water Remover products Vanish-1000 ml can be used for both washing machine the lid on and the front lid Remover products just 60 ml ready-to-pour detergent in the detergent in place, and then open the washing machine as usual.Hand washPouring water Remover products should Vanish-1000 ml 3 litres of water with a detergent and wash as usual.The tough stains out of laundryJust pour the water Remover products Vanish-1000 ml onto the stain and leave it for about 2-3 minutes and should not exceed 10 minutes and do not let new software chahaeng on the fabric from the then leading to wash with detergent as usual. For color fabrics before cleaning the Fryer. Stop by the new software on the central budget mitchit silica fabrics and ทอ้ง, approximately 1 minute if the color of the fabric does not change. Shows how to use the new ABM software with fabrics. Do not use small metal parts, such as the new button style shirt or zip and ทอ้ง fabrics are very small niche was the Sun.
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