I have 4 goals, primarily for the production of automobiles, including issues relating to security, environmental quality, and the cost to make it come true. We need more research and development, best quality If there is an error in one piece even.In millions for consumers who use the car means everything to a customer by the number of errors contained in a Toyota today. I realize that we need more responsibility with the quality of the cars we produce.When it comes to costs, we look first to reduce costs, such as innovation, we focus on producing parts instead of production. One piece to reduce the ตน้ In the meantime I will eliminate non-value added activity and is within an organization; The second is to engage with countries and. Regions in which we do business are Toyo Ta production in 27 countries and regions, including Japan, and sold in 160 countries where Toyota has a good population of the community is essential, we are always involved with the local community and will continue. We promote activities of various types, such as culture, science, technology, help, all at the same time, we also support the welfare and volunteer activities. I would mention what to do with urgent to achieve the vision. A few years ago, we grow with a rate that has never occurred before. Therefore, we must. Review of transport again. Review of the philosophy of the supplementary capacity is 1. processes and systems work in all parts of the business, including manufacturing, sales and Service Department Manager. 2. dedicated human resources development review Transport means, inspection and supply circuit check. Identify problems and weaknesses, and then find a way to manage, so to does not mean that the Foundation must stop a. It is important that the existing basic integration and growth. At the same time.Second, We want to make sure that employees. Everyone has gone through a change of thinking and fast. When we grow up, we usually don't see a particular problem before us must know the limits, and the possibility exists. I want to know the self-evaluation that we do? And they are not, and should not be changed or anything. I believe this concept changes to avoid be overconfident or satisfied in the current state, and not thinking changed because I used to be a factory manager. I often speak with the henchman that work with fun, cheerful and energetic mind focused on what is important to the merry refers to the task with positive thinking. Delight means fun, creative and initiative do have power is to make good, clean room. I want to create an environment where employees, including those who live outside of Japan will work out and there is power.Let me talk about the project all over the world for Toyota to move forward in Japan. We are preparing a new brand at the end of August, we launched. Lexus brand and expect to meet the needs of those who want a luxury car, and a specific customer.Specific vehicle purchased. We want to keep this brand is one of the world's luxury band. In September. The new factory will begin production in Kyushu in Kanto Auto Works will be October at Iwata to its domestic production capacity now has 3.8 million vehicles. In co. we can begin production on new factory น่. Out in the country. Japan joint venture plant with PSA Peugot Citroen are based in the Czech Republic started production in February and a factory in Poland to join venture with Toyota Industries Corporation will start operation in March, and also has a factory at Tianjin FAW Toyota Motors, and functionality of the service by the end of this year we will begin.Prius models manufactured in China to sell local and next year we will start production at Guangzhou, China, and Texas in the United States and Kentucky plant in the u.s., we will use the production version of the Camry. Hybrid In the year 2007, there will be a new factory in. Thai and also started to sell in Russia Since the end of August last year we started production of IMV model series, most of which are in Asia. This year will start production in Argentina and South Africa. Sales of this model is very constant. IMV production all over the world in the year 2006 will be more than originally planned at 500000 cars expected at 700000 Khan.Toyota car sales targets are often hybrid world of 1 million cars. Next year will launch a hybrid version of the Camry in the US and GS. Hybrid will debut as well. Last year, we launched the Crown Majesta family VDIM with VDIM is a system to control the car in the original location. Moreover, there will be a new VDIM that active steering function put it, there is also a Lexus GS fanai bags IS put in the new.
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