In the current situation under the reform the country. To promote the well-being to agriculture and low income, which is the main goal of the government. "The cooperative system" is a good choice to build the power assistance within the community, and create พลังการต่อรอง to outsiders. Based on the cooperative principle and the ideology of the values of self-help, responsibility for self, democracy, equality. Justice and solidarity. But because of the economic growth rate of rapid growth and prosperity are more ซึ่งมาพร้อมกับ new financial innovation, with more variety. The same principle Once placed in the past have changed a lot. The risk and vulnerability, which led to the corruption of the cooperative currently it is more and more.In order to develop cooperative system to have strength, transparency and good governance cooperative as to efficiently. The cooperative has good management, financial planning, financial information, can be used มาวิเคราะห์ To know the strengths and weaknesses of the cooperative. And the use of decision making in administration. Accounting is the key of management within the cooperative to transparent. Because the account that the status. The situation of cooperatives in the day in a timely manner Therefore, accounting is not only to know the profit and loss, but the account to help create transparent to satisfy the organization. And, most important, accounting help catch a dishonest person.
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