It is recommended that country-Canada.In the country of Canada People usually learn section name and surname If you find someone who is older, and for the first time, we recommend calling the surname polite prefix, such as Mr., Mrs., or Ms., Dr.A formal greeting to say "Hello Mr. Martin I am very pleased to meet Prof. you. My name is Yuri."Informal salutations and friends would say "Hi How are you?" Thomas. "Inside the House.The people of Canada will be silent when people are in the House. Some families don't have a very hard time greeting arriving home or leaving the House, so do not worry when it encounters a place must to some extent family. The people of Canada and little hats in the House. Tobacco use in the country of CanadaThe people of Canada turned to pay attention to your health. For smoking is not as popular, and smoking is not allowed in public. In the country of Canada Many families do not allow smoking in the home. In the case of students smoking. Please provide information on the application form before you register with the v e c. We can supply House that students can give way to smoke. EqualityThe people of Canada are entitled to freedom of movement, according to the given law system. There is no ruling class in society, and are proud of themselves and respect the rights of others, regardless of. Gender, race, religion and traditions of individual backgrounds.
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