Research Methodology
In this research aims to study strategies for language learning of school pupils in Lam Plai, Mat. Lam Plai Mat District Buriram in, a very good school. The group gifted students the middle classes soft and group learning. The researchers conducted the research process. As follows:
1. The sample population
2. The instruments used in research. And development to create
4. Data collection
5. Data analysis and statistical methods used to analyze data and samples
, 1. Population 1.1. Of the population in this study Lamplaimat the school. Lam Plai Mat District Lam Plai, Mat Buriram of 1 249 People
1.2,,, Samples were used In, this research.Including students from the sixth semester of the second year of the 2557 school year by five people were selected, purposively. The group took an average grade English classes are very good.The group gifted students The middle classes Soft and group learning The sample was selected as the second semester of. Sixth year students because these students had experience of learning English for many years. The data from, this sample. It would be the most obvious tool
2. The research
instrument used in this study were divided into three sections at one. Query data at the time.The second query language learners is a five - star rating scale is minimal practice a little practice practice and, more. Practice most practical medium. Consisted of the following:
1) the nature of learning that are related to the use of Article 15 of. The senses
- The sensory hook 1-5
- Using an ear sensory 6-10
- the sensory cell 11 - 15
.2) the nature of learning related to the nature of the relationship between learners with Article 10 of the others
- and. Gregarious nature launched last, 1-5
- looks like an introvert or an 6-10 working alone
3). The learning is associated. With thought and contemplation of the group of 10
- the pursuit of new rules in Article 1-5
- learning process in the. Order of 6-10
.4) Nature of learning. The initiative involves a workload of 10 questions
- with thorough planning and tasks Article 1-5
-. The manner of fun and relaxation with activities, and workload the 6-10
5). The learning management related to the ideas. And perspectives of Article 10
- to guess the meaning of new language rules and the 1-5
.- a summary of answers by studying the rules of the new language before the sixth. - 10
The third query language learning. Strategies of the students is a five - star rating scale is minimal practice a little practice practice and, more practice. Most practical medium. Consisted of the following:
1) the strategies they use memory
2) cognitive strategies used
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