CV (Resume)
Personal information (personal history)
name-surname * Mr. Itra Simmali ................................... nickname ..... the queue is currently at number .................................................
..... grain among subdistrict said with a grain of salt with a grain
.District city grain ........................ Jungle
cold. A grain of Khon Kaen 40000 ........... ............. .....
zip code, date of birth, age, May 1994 .........20 ....7 ...........
............... This year
.......................... Thai nationality, racial ........
Thai religious ............ ............................... ................พุทธ…………….................................................
ส่วนสูง .......173.......ซม…………………….... Weight ........62 kg, blood type B
........ ........
........................................ Family Information (family history)
father name. ......นาย พยับ สิมมะลี........................................ Age ...49 ... years of professional private business .... ...............
mother name ........... Mrs. Nittaya Simmali ................................ Year-old career civil servant ..... ..... ...49 ...........
are brothers. .....2 ...... ...2 ...... man men people person
.....2 son .........................Mr. Simmali Kinti grain 22-year-old with a grain of
Education (education)
Level Educational degree institution Major
since its Institution From disciplines including
To. Grade
rolled up
junior secondary High school. The school of science, 2548 (2005) 2546 (2003) Chik Kut 3.38
company.Nakhon Ratchasima vocational college Vocational accounting 2548 (2005) 2552 (2009) 2.97
puat./Nakhon Ratchasima vocational College Diploma high
2552 (2009) 2553 (2010) accounting Bachelor degree Bachelor
3.27 mahasarakham University accounting current 2553 (2010) 3.49 training
bakan/prot.The order of
1 training Writing a business plan, 2552 (2009)
2 workshop math camp 2552 (2009)
3 to work at the company-2553 (2010) group co., Ltd. Ishikawa-2554 (2011)
4 training experience that, amphur Muang, Nakhon Ratchasima-2551 (2008) 2551 (2008)
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