DVD Direct: information systems Preliminary data.DVD movie rental business Direct is a Web, which is different from the original, such as the Blockbuster movie rental DVD business DVD Direct is a monthly fee, customers can order up to three movies from the company's Web site posted a list of movies that have the customer choose to deliver to them a disk DVD by mail within three days, they will receive a pass on SV.Tahai keep, as long as they want, but you can't have more than three plates in the possession of. Although only three years of operation, Direct DVD experienced rapid growth to help manage and to accelerate this growth. The company has hired only College graduated Alice sasueng reliance from the first day of work, starting with a meeting with Bob. Vice President Marketing, by Bob suggests to Alice saruchak with colleagues, that is, flattened by a Jacuzzi header comes in these days is a topic that has come from our CEO Carol, She said she was concerned about. how our members were connecting to our Web site to Focus on these values Start by locating their source. .., Then obtain low and high bandwidth for data members for the past twelve months and prepare a graph comparing the two Start by talking with Dennis 3270.
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