After Prince Royal Prince of the king's son who was born 5 days ago. The Royal God สุทโธทนะ
his father. Please, there is a meeting to attend the meeting with the brethren of genealogy and the father and mother and the porch
a councillor of the Council, and the brahmana Vedic wisdom that is auspicious to do the ceremony in the This is a brahmana, but all 1
พราหณ์. This really is just like the first 8 acts as a Brahmin and a 8 name
is as follows: 1.5, a brahmana. unattached Brahman
2. Plug-in a brahmana pollen 6. สุทัต
3, a brahmana. อัญญ Brahman 7. The son of Adam, a brahmana
4. ธุช Brahman 8. ณทัญญ Brahman,
the Meeting passed a resolution parallel the name 'Royal Prince Siddhattha Prince', which is an auspicious name is
Two significant meaning in other words means that the things that he desires nothing will be successful as his desire. In other words
means that one of his first son as his father had wished to be translated into Thai สำนวณ
In ordinary language, it is my son who first perfect
that you want in the name of this Indian General in those days; but it was not very popular called popular called his ancestors' instead of the '
ancestryMatch the English today that 'Last Name', so they called the king's favorite child, 'Prince, put out a final issue', or 'macro' to sniff
disseminated Brahman, 8 prophesied his appearance was the opinion that the prophecy is a 2
7 number of people from a brahmana group number 1 to 7 in accordance with the specified name, and is of the opinion it is a knot in the prophecy
undo this if Prince went on to reign shall be the Emperor is a god who has the king
thy mighty power. But if he went out and he then proceeded to the awakening shall be memorized recitations the Prophet Mohammed's masterpieces of the world
there is a Brahman youth young people aged one prophet is resolved by one of the king's child, there is no condition that
they shall go out, and then proceeded to be a brahmana Buddha, of course, this is a chief five disciples.
to be ordained as a Buddha and went unto the disciples turned a quorum, the first known as 'the normality of mind that's empty, of
J'ทัญ. It was not in accordance with the remaining 7 went to become a priest because it is not very old modern Buddha went out he then proceeded
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