Swedish culture is a culture that simple. There is a hierarchy. And openness to the opinions of everyone.เมื่อรวมเข้ากับจริยธรรมที่ปฏิบัติกันมาอย่างยาวนานได้หลอมรวมกันจนเกิดเป็นวัฒนธรรมสวีเดน
Swedish culture is a culture that There is a hierarchy simple.. openness to the opinions of everyone And when combined with the wholesome ethics long has forged a culture of Sweden until combined.
Swedish culture is a culture that simple. There is a hierarchy. And openness to the opinions of everyone. When combined with ethical practices have long been fused together until a Swedish culture.
Swedish culture is a culture that simple. There is a hierarchy. And openness to the opinions of everyone. When integrated with ethics practiced long fused together until it is a Swedish culture .