1.3 politics of SingaporeThe Parliament of Singapore ruled by democracy. With the Constitution as the law (The Constitution) is divided into 3 administrative powers section is as follows:1. the Executive Council (The Executive) is composed of the President and the Cabinet, which is responsible for phankrathonwong the country. Ministries and other government-affiliated agencies inPresident of Singapore comes from direct election from the people. There is a 6-year term agenda by the current President is Mr. la Pan-Na Don (Mr. Sellapan Rama Nathan) review is the President of Singapore, but is 6-2 coming from the election. The term is 2 September 1 2548.The Council of Ministers came from the Singapore general elections every five years a major political party People's Action Party, including four party (PAP) Lee Hsien Loong, of Mr. (Lee Hsien Loong) was established in the year since the year 2502 2497, which started with the elections the party received PAP majority vote and formation of a Government to rule the country with stability. Worker's Party (WP) was founded in the year 2500 Low Thia Kiang is the current leader of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) party, founded in the year 2523, under the leadership of Mr. Chee Soo Singapore Democratic Alliance and Juan (SDA), founded last year by several small parties 2544 party. Mr Chiam See Tong, is the current head of the party.For positions in the Cabinet at present are:Mr. Lee Hsien Loong-(Lee Hsien Loong), Prime Minister and Minister of finance.-Mr. Chok Tong Ko (Goh Chok Tong), a Senior Minister and Chairman of the Monetary Authority of Singapore.-Mr. Lee Guan Yu (Lee Kuan Yew), Minister Counsellor.-Professor s. Jaya Kuching Mar Deputy Prime Minister Minister of finance and Minister of law (Shunmugam Jayakumar) coordination of national security affairs.-Participation in Mr. George (George Yeo), Minister of Foreign Affairs.-Mr. Lim (Lim Hng Kiang) Heng Giang, Minister of trade and industry.2. the National Assembly (Parliament) from the last general election May 6 election total members 2549.84 people in total, divided into 82 people from the Government party and the opposition People's Action Party has come from the Worker's Party 2 Party and Democratic Alliance Party Singapore for the next election set in the year 2554.3. the Council of the judiciary (The Judiciary) is divided into two levels: Court (the Subordinate Courts) and the Supreme Court (Supreme Court).1.4 the population.Singapore has a population of 2550 June 4.68 million people in 65 percent of workers age labour majority is about 32 per cent occupation specific (Technical and Professional Jobs), 17 percent in the manufacturing sector (Manufacturing), 15 per cent are administrative (Administrative and Managerial Jobs) and 12 percent are in the services sectors (Business Services), 6 per cent are in the financial sector (Financial Services), the remaining 18 percent of the population of the other 60 percent is 10 percent, as Chinese Malaysian people of India, another 7 percent is the percent of the population to other races is 23, the diversity of the population it allows multiple languages are spoken such as Singapore Mandarin, English, Malay and Tamil.In Singapore there is a freedom of religion religions by 42.5 per cent of the population is Buddhist, Islam, second percent 14.9 14.5 per cent Christian, Hindu, and other 4% 24.1%
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