Another occupation that requires the strength of the body due to weight lifting and moving really critical to daily endure because of the professional career of drinking water production is that there are very little profit in the early. But many residents
Career information produced drinking water
drinking water production investments of approximately 20000/
earning about 800 baht/day
.Materials and equipment Water filter clean the water tank Kit Plastic water tank (20-liter) water bottles (1 liter), and the car used to transport water,
1 drinking water production business.Prepare an area for installation of water filtration and water bottles, the water tank
2.Contact buy water filtration and item such as a cleaning kit, tanks take a bottle this water filtration plastic tanks, which have a capacity ranging from 100 litres/hour up to 20000 liters/hour by a company will send employees to install water filtration system,
3.Before executing a business producing drinking water. Water samples will be sent to the Department of medical sciences examine water quality at charge 3,100 Baht if you check through it, apply to the Office of the food and drug administration, food and drug administration officials will be come sanwat check production locations. If you find that the production process is healthy, it will give consent to drinking water production. 4. when authorized, you can manage a business selling legitimate. In the next step will be to find a market to suggest items to recommend for vacation that Copenhagen certified quality products from ayong,
5.Buy water filter used in this work, consider that, Water Purifier, water supply, groundwater, which has a stainless steel filter properties. Odor eliminating plaque and residue.
6.Bring a bottle and plastic tanks to contain water and cleaned with a cleaning kit
7. Uncle mercury in filter from water filtration and then packed into plastic bottles or plastic tank that prepared
8.Sealed water bottles and water tank, all the Before bringing the car to send a
9.Wholesale price per 20 litres hopper filling water tank 7 baht, while the cost of only 2 baht only. The store will sell a consumer price of 10 baht per cylinder 12 – best bottled water will rarely gain because only the cost per bottle, plastic bottle falling 1.50 baht, but will be sold to 2.30 baht per bottle, trade only, but it must be done in parallel to a friend at the customer by customer will be sold at the price of 5 – 6/
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