Study on decentralized fiscal abroad by mainly seek complex facts in evidence about the impact of decentralized fiscal and economic targets to maintain the sectoral emphasis on economic growth, such as the study of the relation of power distribution with China's economic growth (Qiao, et al, 2007), a study of decentralized fiscal and economic consequences in Russia. (Treisman, 2006), or the study of the relationship of decentralized fiscal with Spain's economic growth. (Lluis et al., 2008), which is mainly look at the impact of decentralized fiscal public sector submitted by the.Overview of fiscal power distribution in developing countries, mainly to the Government transfers money to attain the goal of distributing power. Using the opportunity to push forward economic development, access to the distribution of power, but also fiscal structure, centralized. To use the tool, different types of remittance, the local Government has cause various levels of control of the Central Government towards local government level but many countries have become aware of the strength of the local government in consideration of the fiscal independence as a key element of the power distribution, which in some countries with decentralized fiscal systems have the highest levels of the Federal Government to raise the level of virtual of the fiscal independence of local governments (Bahl and Linn, 1994).Fiscal independence as part of a strategic management Institute discusses the responsibilities and duties assigned to the income from the various levels of Government to raise the level of income adequacy based on the economic system of the local government, the tax rate and the revenue without any influence from outside. Then define the basic income, expenditure, from which must be associated with the ability to supply the service at a level sufficient for the needs of local citizens (Chapman, 1999; and King Blochliger, 2006)On OECD member countries Central Government and local government. The channel will have access to a wide range of fiscal resources. Independence in the decision over the sources of income are important and affect the powers of local governments to adjust the supply to the public. , Which designs fiscal independence affect the behavior and operations of local government, such as public sector efficiency. Equity of access to public services or long-term fiscal status (Blochliger and King, 2006)When you consider the source of revenue of the local Government Board (2004), and Friedrich has studied the development of the income of the municipality (municipal) from 4 countries, found that a German municipality must depend on subsidies from the central part. In support of the expenditure on social welfare, culture, education, health and public utilities, and in early April, Mr. local in 2000 increased by 65 per cent from the year 1991, as well as England and Poland, but at different levels. While the revenue from the tax, it is also important for the German municipality, a higher level in English, but it is still less than in Poland. The municipal portion of the income tax, Switzerland, as a source of income.Information to compare and evaluate the State's revenue structure and local Government will be very useful. But the indicators used may not effectively or to answer a different question. (Blochliger and King, 2006) indicators for fiscal 1969. are calculated based on the statistical databases. By taking into account (i) the proportion of the local revenue per total revenue (ii) proportion of local expenditures per total expenditures (iii) vertical imbalance between revenue and expenditure between the Government (iv) the local income tax proportion per total revenue and grants (v) local revenue per GDP, which of these indicators is not a separate tax revenue source. Non-tariff revenues and subsidies, and therefore is not considered information about income tax break or collected through revenue sources from local resources and are determined by the local (Bell, et al., 2006).Related research is currently about empowering the revenue not only explores the extent of income (for example, the proportion of the revenue of the local Government's total revenue, per), but have turned attention to measuring the level of freedom that real earnings of local over the widely. (Bell, et al., 2006), which is one of the most important variables in measuring the relationship of independence and the ability to forecast revenue for local governments, which is of defining indicators for measuring fiscal independence required will have been developed to cater to the environment variables or senile changes.The purpose.This research aims to analyze the complex seemed in fiscal independence by using a measure fiscal power distribution, in view of the independence of the income from the source. To support the understanding that produces more of the extent of the actual level of income. By that, the attention in this study is that the revenue that local governments themselves are stored. Land and housing taxes, local taxes, tax exemption for maintenance tag to kill animals. The Elimination of the tax for maintenance of local birds nest iaen from tobacco and oil taxes, such as income and fee income from the property, revenue from the adjustable value operations. While the Government collected taxes and Government tax breaks, comprises. Specific business tax, value added tax, excise duty and alcohol duty motor and wheel to evaluate the effect of fiscal power distribution based on the concept of fiscal independence will be useful in defining the guidelines to develop its potential to raise the level of local government revenue further.The data and methods of study.This information is used for research, the revenue of local governments of the Federal Department of export promotion. The Ministry of the Interior, which is collected by the financial policy Office of fiscal economy during the year 2536 (1993) – divided into 2 ranges 2546 (2003) by assuming the announcement.
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