In the past year 2553 (2010) Communications respondents aged 30 in range wotcha-39 years that 31.8%, then there will be a 40-year age group at 31.6% and there were groups of respondents the substance wotnoi is an Internet users group that is 20-29 years, 28%
In 2553, the respondents to the survey are available in a range between 30-39 most 31.8% of it is older than 40 years and 31.6%, followed by a number of respondents. The minimum group of internet users are 20-29 years to 28%.
In the past 2553 survey respondents are in the age range of 30-39 years most, 31.8% then will be the groups over 40 years, 31.6%. As the number of respondents least survey is a group of Internet users 20-29 years, 28%.