Shoes that we sell to you using normal, which this list is our own
please return this list to see the details of the pictures
it says that the painting had passed, you see similar pictures
.We have a clear sales details, please go back and look at the picture before the accused has painted us badly, you know that the shoes have been painted over
.You accused glue surfaces, shoes. We don't have to glue, but Dai reiterated that there is no glue, braids.
Of this item is the same items, shoes, no glue surfaces, you tell each of us it
.And then you have this list that nobody bought before your own quote
by both know that this item is an item that has painted shoes
you do not have to inquire into issues about it, but somehow
.But when you have the item you came here that we are somehow bad
we will be brilliant with bad words nakhun check box is the same
then we had no advertising scams you complaining
you return to see our list of scams where
.Summary do you want to say that our list of fraudulent or deceptive
exactly the conclusion. We also confirm the original words if you are not satisfied, please return our shoes
.Clarification If the shoes do not leave that we send to you, we will refund half the price of shoes,
shoes, you accused of which we have taken, we glue the picture carefully. There are pictures of everything
.If it is not, we will not allow glue to this case by the King lacked many big problem
but I used bad words to us.
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