Years 2558 in an era where everything looks quickly all echo (a tun - Dan morning? Ramnarong) teenage boy with Facebook second home. There is a smartphone is a factor of five. He sees the love is like playing the online love don't have to wait.Of course, he never understand the love of parents who love each other have to take much, but unknowingly echo knew about the satisfaction. When he met the old father's antiquated pager is good. It has a message sent back.He can not wait to pick out the coin operated telephone call that number immediately!
.Echo my eyes again, it found itself in 2538 years every teenager can listen to music through the cassette. The band as the band alternative story อรอรีย์ smile buffalo. Is very famousBefore he met dad or tum youth (Van - kinds of mental นทร joyful) and mother or Madam youth (โฟน - Chon Kan (less) was a teenager al. But that's not the most airplay airplay was met. Orange (fern - pimchanok.A teenage girl chic as the name he fell in love with her as fast as send a sticker. And I wanted to get her suitors was so But it seems to be wrong at the wrong time. Because orange is a third to steal tum from mem.Orange is the important factors to make him not born!
echoes have to try to do everything to make my parents happy. At the same time the heart he pour orange already. She is the one who made him know that love is like listening to tapes. I love to wait, not grind to listen to music anywhere
.This work but the town, sing win echo what to do with the problem troubled at this time. He will come back to present day brings up the status of Facebook again?
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