History of the leaning tower of PisaThe leaning tower of Pisa (Tower of Pisa), Pisa, located in the Piazza Piazza sasa del Duomo (Piazza Del Duomo), the Bell Tower of Catholicism is a cylindrical tower, 8 floor high white marble create 183.3 ft (55.86 meters) 293-step staircase 3.97 degrees, tilt the top of the Tower away from the perpendicular 3.9 m 1987. The leaning tower of Pisa has been declared a world heritage site. As part of the Piazza Dei Miracoli leaning tower of Pisa is also the 7 Wonders of the medieval world, too. This current The leaning tower of Pisa tilted down about 13 degrees, then. Which experts indicate that Chamber sit chances are indeed collapse in ruins. Every 20 years, this tower will sit down to 1 inch and predict will break down this tower collapse in the year 2200 if no one is to find a way to prevent. Begin to build once the August 9 (1914), 1173. Finished the year 1350, approximately 175 years, but take your time to stop construction when building up to the 3rd floor, because the ground is soft ground, underground, making a subsequent collapse was founded in 1272 by Giovanni di Simone created elements to one side so that the balance, but the construction was to be stopped again because of the war. Later, he had to build a tower per class and again in 1979, but the Bell Tower was built, 1319 in 1821 1825 takes all 177 years.
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