40 ways to reduce global warming of 1 to light that required two. Adoption of solar energy to dry clothes instead. Washer and dryer in the third. Ironing board should once more. Instead, check the band one by one. To save electricity use 4. I turned off the air using fans or opening windows to air more 5. Time to go shopping, do not leave the door open. Because the air conditioner to work harder than the usual six. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. In addition to the exercise, but also save a lot more well know that pressing the elevator once the fire is a waste of time, seven baht 7. Turn off unnecessary lights. With the opening we need real cuts 8. gameplay somewhat. Because the eye is broken Power consumption is also very well 9. Modern refrigerator young mothers. Sales have dropped Eat two times more power than a new refrigerator to 10. Tell your parents to switch to power the LED lights are brighter than normal bulbs and save 40% 11. extend fridge with no hot food rack. evening And avoid bringing plastic bag in the refrigerator. Because the refrigerator was not cooling costs throughout the food 12. Defrost in the refrigerator regularly to the island. The refrigerator will consume more power when ice 13. Metro buses instead of private cars 14. If you do not have to go far to take the bike. Or to do good Exercise in with 15. Each sheet of paper to save paper, the Newspaper Club. The paper that comes from trees 16. Clothes are not used Take some time to donate Because some companies have been. Donate used coats Will be made into fibers melt again. This reduces greenhouse gases by up to 71% 17. reduce the use of plastic that can be recycled, such as bag or water bottle 18. Try to empty Because those food scraps to produce methane. Which contributes to global warming to an increase of 19. Car Pool to a common fuel oil. And to reduce the number of cars on the road with me to the other 20. Try to reduce meat ruminant animals like cattle because of information they release methane, 21. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables because the agriculture industry does not release methane gas as a heating of the air 22. Do not leave paper or cloth to wipe the glass can be clear on 23. Use a rag to wipe dirt instead of toilet paper 24. Look for products labeled as environmentally friendly, green label. Save 5 standard fiber 25. Instead, some supermarkets to buy fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, pork, chicken wrapped in plastic and foam products because it will cause massive amounts of waste 26. Use water sparingly Because of the municipal water supply of energy requires a lot of water purification 27. Reducing the amount of waste down 28. Preventing methane emissions into the atmosphere by separating organic waste such as vegetable scraps and food waste from other garbage that can be recycled will be used to benefit 29. Tell your parents to drive speed not exceeding 80 km / hr. 30. The soft roof. To help reduce heat absorption 31. Gardening rise To add oxygen to the air Bamboo fence instead Bamboo is the fastest growing natural fence. And also absorb carbon dioxide as well. May have seemed a little tired, but no less chic 33. Product selection, purchase refillable. To reduce waste from packaging wrap 34. Reduce waste by using the 3R Reuse, Recycle, Reduce 35. No chemical fertilizers in ornamental gardens at home. But the use of natural compost instead of 36. Eat steaks and hamburgers in a major international meat industry, because less greenhouse gas production to 18%, caused the methane from cow manure, nitrous oxide and 37. Engaging environment to help publicize the campaign. And reducing global warming 38. Sufficient by the Royal Black 39. Saving water and fire 40. Do not forget to bring these great way to tell your friends, too.
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