Although Christmas is a Festival of Christians, but among people who are not Christians, they are widely celebrated as well. The celebration, which includes a contemporary not related to religion at all with one another is the traditional. By tradition, which is popular in the modern furnishing, gifts are exchanged greeting cards to feast in the Church. Eating a special dinner and show trim decorated by different places by the Christmas tree. Moon lighting a bunch of flowers from Miss Basel Thomas show about the Nativity of Jesus day, and the addition of Holly Father Christmas (or Santa Claus is called Ireland and chawomerika) is also one of the legends is known as leadership gifts to the children. Due to the accession of all the celebrations and gifts. Affect the economic system is very high, both in the city of Christian and non-Christian people Christmas is an important time for the sale of a merchant and business executives that the economy gets boost from this festival is an important factor causing the continued growth in all areas in the range 2-3 centuries ago.The origin of the word Christmas. The word Christmas is derived from the word "composition" Christ Mass ", which is the root word of the word comes from the medieval English Christemasse and old English Cristes mæsse" from which these words are recorded for the first time in years 1038 words Cristes "is from Greek, Jesus Christ and the word of the prayer book mæsse comes from the Latin inhabitants. In the Greek letter X is the first letter of the word "Christ" which is similar to an X in Romanian, it is used instead of the mid 19th century Christ X 16, and is therefore used the term Xmas instead of Christmas.The celebration activities. For Christians Christmas is a Festival of celebration days, born of Jesus Christ. Christians believe God's prophecies in the old testament, which stated that God from Madonna. The story of Christmas, from the provisions in the Bible. In the Gospel of Matthew that is named Matthew 1: 18-Matthew 2: 12 and now the Gospel of Luke in particular, in the episode the name Luke 1: 26-Luke 2: 40 which States that Jesus ' birth from the Madonna with the help of her husband the name Joseph city Bethlehem, according to the words of ancient Sparta, but has stated that he was born in a stable, surrounded by farm animals. Although there is no specific to animals that are around at the time that he was born in the Holy Bible. But in Luke 2: 7 it has been specified that "Madonna took cover for Jesus and make him sleep in the grass because there is no room in the hotel, making both. Later, Having closed at Nativity of Jesus which showed in the stable of grass Rails, which is located in the cavity (the area around the Church of the Nativity is the city of Sparta, basements, Bethlehem) Chef Perth which is Bethlehem residents receive news from the angels and Nativity yada-he was the first to see Jesus. Many Christians believe that the advent of Jesus, it is based on the prophecies of the old testament, Christians have celebrated Christmas variety which is currently also one of the important day is today and also one day that someone went to the Church to display a faith.And many other rituals, such as Assembly prior to Christmas. The Church of the East, dok master training manual called the ritual Nativity Fast (as are enforcement practice ourselves and repent of sins) to Nativity of Jesus waiting time. Best Westerner Church will celebrate the appear of the Jesus people will decorate households, and exchanging gifts, and in some Christian schools, the children performed a story about Jesus ' obstetrics or sing chorus does well, they exhibit a nativity story chak. In their homes, they will be used by a sculpture displayed as different people. Is a tradition that long succession by this scene has been arranged in a stable or farm outbuilding which includes baby Jesus Joseph Madonna Thep yada chef phoet and saints 3 people named Sarah and Tamar bar lachi mail supplier and a sparkling 3 people say that Eli has traveled the planet known as the name of the city of Bethlehem has come even to machon obstetrics. Domestic sites. All of the buildings around Christmas decor in general tend to have a scene about obstetrics and of Jesus. This action, which often lead to prosecutions prosecution. By American Civil Liberties Union, which is believed to use decorations that are associated with the religion. Must get permission from the Government before. That is, in fact, the restrictions in the Constitution. Best in America's High Court 1984 conviction Lynch vs. Donnelly about the show, decorated in Christmas with a Nativity scene with which the show has been held at the city of Pawtucket, Rhode Island for the next decision is whether to make a mistake to amend that declared for the first time.The decorations ธรรมเนียมปฏิบัติในการตกแต่งเครื่องประดับที่สวยงามในเทศกาลคริสต์มาสมีประวัติอันยาวนาน นับตั้งแต่ยุคก่อนคริสตศักราชจะเริ่มต้นขึ้น พืชใบเขียวถูกนำมาใช้ โดยจักรวรรดิโรมันอย่างต่อเนื่อง ธรรมเนียมปฏิบัตินี้ได้ถูกดัดแปลงให้เหมาะสมกับการใช้งานของชาวคริสเตียน ในศตวรรษที่ 15 ได้มีการบันทึกไว้ว่า ที่เมืองลอนดอนบ้านทุกหลังฏิบัติตามประเพณีของเทศกาล และทุก ๆ โบสถ์ของที่นี่ ก็ประดับประดาเต็มไปด้วยไม้ฮอลลี่ไอวี่ ต้นอบเชย และพืชในฤดูกาลที่เป็นสีเขียว รูปทรงหัวใจของใบไม้จากต้นไอวี่ถูกเรียกว่าเป็นสัญลักษณ์ของการมาเยือนโลกของพระเยซู ในขณะที่ต้นฮอลลี่ถูกมองว่าเป็นเครื่องรางป้องกันความชัวร้ายจากพวกนอกรีต และแม่มด, พืชมีหนามและผลไม้ลูกเล็ก ๆสีแดงถูกเปรียบว่าเป็นเสมือน Crown of Thorns ที่พระเยซูสวมใส่ ในขณะที่ถูกตรึงอยู่บนกางเขนจนตาย The show about the Nativity of Jesus day is known since the 19th century, 10 of Rome, and was made popular by Saint Francis of Asissi increased in the year 1223, and widespread rapidly to.
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