The problem is the problem of storing the goods in a warehouse, the lack of performance. Are placed in no orderly, placed on the Palace, that was not the sort method, the items that are not stable, there is a place beyond the frame, place the items make it difficult to access for employees and equipment MHE. also at the same position in multiple categories, nae?Ngatham, search for the item could not be found due to the placement of items not conducive to see. As a result, companies need new products and product orders that are placed in the wrong position, it has the item expires. To make the company more cost and still have problems with stacking goods exceeding the weight. Defective products resulted in multiple and difficult to find items that cause the problem of finding an item that is not in use, the problem does not come across in the Picking Process, but would be derived from the processes leading to Put Away storage if stored as a formal. Easy access to the data of the item storage location accuracy. It probably will not happen.
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