Roundworm's life cycle. Pathology pakkho options for an unforgettable live in the small intestine by the bite of infected with the intestinal wall tissue absorbs blood and water, fed from an intestinal roundworm, the female will release eggs per day, 6000-20000 eggs would bubble out with Java specification. If the proper temperature and humidity. The larvae will hatch in 1-2 days as a young stage one larvae thrive in soil is called rhabditiform or soft is a Java specification lokkhrap, Udon is a soft second term looks like a weak one, but the distance is larger than the 5-10. And will thrive as a third stage, called filariform larvae in the 5-10 day period, this term, can China through the skin into the body. Log in to access veins to the heart-lung of the Chinese from the lungs into a gated Shell Beach. The esophagus and into the stomach and small intestine growth in cameo in small intestine. The majority are to be found at the drive in 1-2 years, but may live for several years.The distribution of disease.Found throughout the country, but many have been found in the southern district due to the naked foot tapping rubber in the morning, each taking a Java specification according to v.k. ground.Symptoms and signsWhen a weak China into pathology of the skin will blister and itching with daeng area pathology Thomson. If the GAO could be infected by bacteria, as Nong. When will China lung pathology, symptoms, coughing and fever?When the worms thrive in a small intestine The patient will feel a heartburn in the PI and suck the blood clot thongboriwen cause anemia. If the very pale child might have solid intelligence. Best adult if a very pale, may cause symptoms of heart attack. A simple merge, tired head.DiagnosisCheck the Java specification, roundworm eggs found and Urumqi Urumqi Urumqi Jaya Jaya ra ra should be checked if exceeding 24 hours, the eggs will become the embryo.Roundworm eggs are the size of a 50-70 micron thin egg shell shape, ri. Rhabditiform larvae stage, the embryo. The pathology ofTo maintain the• General treatment. If the patient is pale, should give blood or iron.Pyrantel pamoate name pathology disinfectant • (Ku/125 grain) size 10-20 Ku/kg given once a day for 2 days.• Mebendazole (100 Ku), 1 tablet 3 times a day (morning-evening).To prevent that.• Elimination Sayan Java specification.• Do not walk barefoot.• Taking medicine pathology
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