The interesting point of Park
.- kaeng Tat in Lam Chi in North and east of the park, there is หินดาน Kosambi wide area during the dry season, December, may. The water is shallow subsoil with water flowing affect vision หินดาน splashing waves bubble and clean.And the strange and the contact with the Chi river has beautiful scenery, shady place สำหรับนักท่องเที่ยว rest relax fish eat the forest. Forward
.* the Khoi Park Kosambi developed modified the existing decoration with by nature as a dwarf decorate various has to watch over 200 tree. Monkeys, wild resident of the forest.2 colors are grey and crab-eating macaque monkeys in gold. And the golden monkeys is specific in park of one. Which is rare in the park "is" Kosambi
.- bung, side with the Chi Tat there is a big tree near the rapids, and vine ripe type, Nong water throughout the year and is of the monkeys. A peaceful place in dry season summer recreation as well.And now the guests aboard it to walk and watch the monkey always
.- the plants and wildlife, with many kinds of most important species include the light shift, rubber, ChomPoo forest wa Butea jump for wood floor mainly. Including the vine, rattan, fart lead Madan, forsythia end stage and bamboo.
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