Don Bosco
DonBosco6- (19)
with the full name as John Bosco was born on August 16, 1815 (BE 2358) is a small village in the north. Italy's The village of Quebec Quito His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Margherita Bosco, who, as a farmer, but a poor workingmen honest love and perseverance. Habitual patience and meticulous attention in training. Teach children that there are three children, Antonio, Joseph and John Bosco John Bosco to find a bitter life of an orphan. When he was two years old, Mr. Francis beloved father had passed away. Leaving three sons in the care of the mother alone, the sole. Mark's mother Margherita. The mother was trying to teach their three children as well. By teaching them to respect the faith of God. A citizen of the nation Trained to work since Teach a man to know and be ready to sacrifice to help those in need.
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