The legal concept of the equality of the accredited expressly considered a person shall have equality to be guaranteed and protected by law equally (Fairness), which means "Equality before the law" (. Equality before the law) that recognizes the rights and freedoms of the human essence since the human body at birth and can not be taken away. It demonstrates recognition by the legal theory of natural (Natural law), which are thought such a comment against despotism by the need to deprive the king not to take the prerogative illegitimacy by. The main law that "Every person is born equal and they have some rights such as the right to life, physical property rights can not carry alienation" and the first law of nature is a concept that is consistent with the rights of individuals popularity. (Individualism) in those with a focus on the individual and the rights of the individual which are the origin of the individual is in public law. The Declaration of Human Rights and Citizenship, dated August 26, 1789 by the French Revolution of 1789 had abolished the monarchy ruled by the feudal and aristocratic classes, depending on which party they belong to. But the revolution has raised the importance of individuality instead. By this declaration, with a focus on the individual, including freedom of the individual is at the heart of society. According to this theory, considered the heart of the society is to recognize the value of every individual as well as society. State or society can not intrude on his rights. Except for the part two This is evident from the Declaration of Human Rights and Citizenship 1789 which labeled. "Man is born and live free and equal under the law, a difference in society are not just for the sake of the common" Later, the idea that man is born are equal before the Declaration of Human Rights. the year.. 1789. This was confirmed and expanded upon by the preamble to the Constitution of 1946 and the principle was contained in the Constitution of the Republic of France, dated June 3, 1958 by showing its firm commitment to human rights and the authority. Sovereignty belongs to the nation by the year 1958 have confirmed the constitutional declaration on human rights and citizenship in 1789 and 1946 with the introduction of the constitutional
principle of the equality principle of the equality of the criteria which must treat all persons equally. But by exercising the principle of equality that there is diversity in practice because the essence of the facts vary. So practice the principles of equality, individuals respond differently to the difference shall be acceptable. The main rules to follow to achieve equality, justice is as follows 2.1. Rules of conduct for equality or prohibition of discrimination under the equality principle of equality appears to be accepted and put into practice, which has the effect of binding the organization of the state to respect and follow. In compliance with principles such as broad guidelines 2.1.1 to use the same rules to everyone, unless the situation is quite different to general rules of practice is to use the same rules in the same situation. Unless the situation is different. It is forbidden to prescribe rules that must not rule out the parties are not equal. It is the same event or the same in essence it must be performed by the same rules. But if that is not the same situation, it can be treated differently. The rules applicable to the person issuing the legislature or the executive would have the detailed content and the effect of different possibilities, such as equality in obtaining public services from the state, all citizens can use the bus service of the state. equality of all people, which is essentially equal breadth. Another example The state defines a first class train ticket prices. The second and third floors by economic factors, each of which varies according to the constitution stipulates that persons are equal before the law and equal protection under the law 2.1.2. Using different rules that must relate to the subject matter of law that the different rules that take into account the essence of the rules. The rules must be applied in relation to the facts that occurred. Thus, even in a state where same material facts are different, then the rules that apply must vary as well. But the fact is not significant and is the same, then the rules applicable statutes must be the same. Such pension legislation requiring officials to serve 10 years to qualify for a pension. The Legislature to enact laws for civil servants who serve only two years, supervisors should be regarded as civil servants pension is a pension for 10 years this was not. When the same official time is not as it should have been treated differently should not have been treated equally, even if it is at the same time the 11 civil servants 2.1.3. Practices vary due to public interest to treat a person based on equality, then you must consider the public interest above personal interests or interests of individuals. It follows that the principle of equality in the rules for the protection of individual rights that can not, such as in the event of unrest occurred in the country need to take some measures to bring peace back to the country.
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