The program will sort the sentences for me immediately operator.Operand.Number.Constant.Integer.Floating point (float).Double on AMD64 / INTEL64 it ", s a 64 bit IEEE float.Real on AMD64 / INTEL64 it ", s a 32 bit IEEE float.Equation.Assignment.Statement.Terminator.Delimiter.Parenthese (plural) parentheis (singular).Left.Right.Variable (a named area of storage that holds a value).Expression.Comment.Comma.Parameter.Argument.Function (subroutine that returns a value).Return x;Procedure (subroutine that DOES NOT return a value).Pro-see-jurr.Return;Subroutine.Return.Block.Left / right curly braces {}.Left / right braces [].Left / right parenthesis ().Slash.Backslash.Pipe |.Ampersand &.Asterisk *.Hat ^.Percent%.Dollar $.Sharp / pound #.At sign @!Exclamation point!Period.Question mark?Less than <.Greater than >.Colon:Semicolon;Equals.Underscore _.Single quote "(sometimes called tick).Double quote ".Tilde ~.Back tick `.Nesting.Recursion / recursive.Dump print some diagnostic information usually to,,Stderr.Stderr.Stdout.Stdin.POSIX.If statement is a branch (usually has else clause).Branch is a place where control flow in the program jumps.To somewhere that is NOT the next statement.Do {} while...While () {}.For loop.Goto.Switch () {...}Literal value.Subroutine body.Header file.Source code (text file with computer language,. C,. CPP,...).Object code (. O,., obj etc.).Machine code (the executable).Compiler translates source to object.Actually usually to, assembly code and assembler, then.Creates, the object but it is automatic.Linker combines objects + libraries and creates executable.Which is machine code.Library is an organized collection of reusable object code.
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