Getting to smelt copperThe first step to smelt copper from ore mineral is separated from impurities or mineral residue may be used. By bringing the powdered mineral, blended with water. Wash oil in the tank mixture, then stir through the air into a liquid mixture in the tank at all times. To make the bubbles occur, as a result, the bubbles and oil to the island with the particles of the mineral, and floating on top. Best mineral residue will sink below. When you draw a bubble floating on top, and drying the ore will have a quantity of copper, an increase of about 15 percent by mass. The next stage of mineral water and in the air. This process is called the ai ore on Grill (II) sulfate is a part, along with ai on broilers (II) oxide in the equation.2CuFeS2(s) + 3O2(g) → 2CuS(s)+ 2FeO(s) + 2SO2(g)Get rid of ai (II) oxide, go out. By bringing the products to integrate with Silicon oxide sintering furnace to smelt temperature of approx. 1100° in C (II) oxide on ai will react with the Silicon oxide liquid sludge, which has been excluded. The equation.FeO(s) + SiO2(s) → FeSiO3(l)Super (II) sulfide khop section in high temperature super is "as khop (I) sulfide in the liquid state, which can be separated in the last step, when copper (I) sulfide in air. Some will be changed to copper (I) oxide: equation.2Cu2S(s) + 3O2(g) → 2Cu2O(s) + 2SO2(g)And copper (I) oxide to copper (I) sulfide will react with sulfide ion acts as a pipeline. Copper metal and gas were sulfur dioxide, equation: 2Cu2O(s) + Cu2S(s) → 6Cu(l) + SO2(g)To smelt copper in this stage also contains impurities must be purified before. Made of pure copper, typically use a separate solution with electricity.
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