I'm changing lanes and talkin' on the phone Drivin' way too fast. And the interstate's jammed with gunners like me Afraid of comin' in last. But somewhere in the race we run, We're coming undone...
I'm changing lanes and talkin' on the phoneDrivin' way too fast.And the interstate's jammed with gunners like meAfraid of comin' in last.But somewhere in the race we run,We're coming undone...
Changing lanes and I'm talkin 'on The Phone Drivin 'Way Too Fast. And The Interstate Jammed with Gunners like ME's Afraid of Comin 'in Last. But we race somewhere in The Run, We're Coming Undone ...
I 'm changing lanes and talkin' on the phone Drivin 'way too fast. And the interstate' s jammed with gunners like me Afraid. Of comin 'in last. But somewhere in the race, we run We' re coming undone... .