The drug is what blame. What is around us. Sometimes it may จะมีโทษ for us, our family, our society, the country which the statute about prevention and suppression, and has required continued for a long time. But there are still illegal drug traffickers continually.But recently, the concept has to take drugs amphetamine type drugs because out of the account in the medical Methamphetamine has destroyed health and brain than cigarettes and alcohol addiction which removing type ammonium eyes that will make people to perfect drug easier that would make the state must bear the budget in the treatment of addiction. But on the other hand, can help in the medical substances amphetamine type used in the medical, and also reduces the number of inmates in prison. Such as drug policy that European countries on drug manufacturers, traders and enterprises drugs of all kinds. To use the policy to suppress suppress strong blame the rise, in part of the addiction. A control may be more limited rights Such as do not travel outside the area specified. May have put the tracking system GPS your license. No risk area of drugs. According to the severity of the behavior to be given the opportunity of the law and society more and more. If you are caught in the drug content, you have the right to receive care from the government. From family, society, public health psychologists to therapy. From the work that the drug is not problems, because everyone understands. In September and addictive can have no harm to people and the society.But if there is no readiness to affected enough Thailand may yet. But I agree with solving the law to such substances can be used correctly and medical therapy for addiction that imprisonment due to substance abuse them.
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