The caves were working to:As part of the limestone mountains, majestic area forest is covered with trees, large and small. The past forest still plentiful. This neighborhood is full of so many different kinds of animals, and is the origin of the name of District, province of satin.
.Area of animal agriculture is gradually disappeared, leaving only the limestone hills. Caves and stalactites and stalagmites exquisite elegance is a sculpture. Nature created this cave MI was relating story along with the legend!Folk tales. From a drop shape stone causing woman is holding a baby. Waiting for the return of her beloved man, outstanding at the middle cave is the origin of the name, if water were working to the great love of the goddess aranya case.With the beloved, when 800 year Kingdom tacking. The princess aranya nee nobles in love with fiery det chief rowers, until the princess aranya case pregnancy and escape. Until the middle of the forest was the military after the heels.Be in URU Princess aranya case. The two hide in caves and bring forth a son. The princess aranya case gave the man away and said, "women will be here forever." แรงอธิษ such standards made her stones.The name the cave were working to wait. The present work has been updated to the cliff cave and natural attractions. The administration of Phrae province. The landscape development path of fire.And the legend "were working to" get more fully. The height from the bottom up to the mouth of the cave 50 m. is considered too far inside the cave, the distance from the mouth of the cave จนถึงทางออก side length to 150 meters.
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