Used for: to relieve the fever hot samples The flu symptoms, aches, headache, nasal congestion, sneezing, symptoms subside as the tight nostrils.Badge name: active ...Type: flu, nasal congestionThe model/formula: active ... SyrupGroups of drugs: paracetamolGroup: internal medicine, respiratory medicine, dangerous drugs, kids.Packaging: glass bottles, plastic bottles, amberSize/weight: 60 MlIngredients: 1 teaspoon (5 ml.): Paracetamol 120 Phenylephrine Hydrochloride 5 mg, Chlorpheniramine Maleate, 1 mg. MgParaben-free ingredients: alcohol and sugar.Indications/indications: used for the children to relieve fevers. Hot options Flu with headache pain according to relieve nasal congestion, makes nasal-based plan such as allergy treatment, allergies.How to use: children age 1-3 years, 1/2-1 teaspoon. Every 4-6 hours.Children 3-6 years take 1 tsp. Every 4-6 hours.Children 6-12 years, 1-2 tsp. Every 4-6 hours.Adults take 2 tsp. Every 4-6 hours.Storage: close the lid tightly closed bottles, medication, medication should be kept out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25° C protected from light.Warning:1. this medication causes drowsiness should not be driving motor vehicles or operate machinery or work about the risk to fall from that high.2. it should not be eaten together with liquor or alcoholic thing is a component.3. do not use in children under 1 year old who are having asthma symptoms. Glaucoma The prostate or urinary polishing In addition to the medical command.4. be careful taking this drug in phase 3 months pregnant and breast feeding women.5. this drug causes dry mouth, urine, polished. Sticky, viscous sputum blurry. Vertigo Confusion and blood disorders.6. children and the elderly are more sensitive to this drug. Cause drowsiness dizziness Psychedelic dry mouth, urination, Erythema, low blood pressure, irritability, insomnia, and some may have seizures (paradoxical reaction).7. be careful using this medication in combination with drugs that depress the central nervous system, such as the Benzodiazepines drug but an antique phone banner to pilfer and different types of depression medication.8. be careful using this medication in people with a history of asthma. Emphysema9. If using this drug exceeds the size stated on the label or labeling. Will cause liver toxicity and should not have used this medication for 5 days?10. who is the liver disease kidney disease should consult a doctor before using this drug or pharmacodynamics.11. do not use with patients with high blood pressure. Heart disease, diabetes, or thyroid disease. In addition to the medical command.Reg./notified: 2A 968/28Manufacturer: Thailand Nakhon pattanaSource: pharmaceutical documentationUpdated:2016-07-13 16:49:24
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